Let’s Laugh At The Liberal LSU Students Who Got Duped Big Time Ahead Of LSU’s Upcoming Milo Yiannopoulos Event


Milo Yiannopoulos is coming to LSU, and there are some liberals who aren’t too happy that the polarizing figure is going to step foot on their campus (yet they still let Les Miles roam the sidelines… hmph). So, of course, they plan on protesting the event, because when someone’s beliefs oppose yours, that person is automatically wrong. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

Some LSU students even thought they were being clever when they found an Eventbrite page on which to reserve tickets. These students saw you could only get four tickets per email, so they started racking up the tickets with the intention of letting them go unused so no one would be at the event. Then they bragged about it on Facebook.




Oh damn, you really got Milo. He’s going to walk into that room thinking there’s a full house and no one is home! Or, actually, he will walk into a full house because you idiots were getting tickets from a dummy registration page specifically made so you guys look like clowns.

In fact, the organization holding the group, LSU Students for Trump, informed Campus Reform that the school is handling tickets for the event.

“We have people coming from across the state for this event,” said Students for Trump campus ambassador David Walters. “These protestors are not going to affect the event at all.”

So despite the protesters’ efforts, the show must go on. Weirdest part about the group’s protest page on Facebook? This description:

“Yiannopoulos envisions a society which oppresses anyone who isn’t a straight, white man,” the description contends.

Milo’s a homosexual. You think he wants a society that would oppress him? Logic goes out the window with these loonies.

[via Campus Reform]

Image via YouTube

  1. Salmon_Shorts13

    There is no logic with Milo. His whole point is just to piss off liberals and progressives, which he does phenomenally well. I don’t really agree with him, but goddamn I do love seeing those assholes lose their shit.

    8 years ago at 10:36 am
    1. BrockTurner

      So you’re telling me when I piss of liberals it’s NF but when he does it he’s heralded as a king? Reeeeaaaal coool dude

      8 years ago at 3:05 pm
      1. Ticklemyfrock

        Brock Turner is a GEED, just like these mentally ill SJWs in the story.

        8 years ago at 3:31 pm
      2. Ticklemyfrock

        Like for real though he isn’t in a Fraternity and never was. Sorry if facts ruin your narrative liberal troll boy

        8 years ago at 3:32 pm
  2. StoryTeller

    His appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast is worth a listen. It’s 3 hours long but highly entertaining and insightful. His views are extreme but also very hard to argue with (unless you’re a libtard). I always enjoy an outsider’s views on our country. Especially a guy that realizes how great America is and how it’s quickly headed down the shitter.

    8 years ago at 10:47 am
    1. Colonel Reb forever

      I agree with most of what you said, although I don’t believe his views are extreme. I think he simply isn’t afraid to call the left out for the toxic policies and cultural tenets they endorse.

      8 years ago at 11:24 am
  3. What Is Haze Prevention

    Does anyone protest Daniel tosh? The guy makes the most offensive jokes ever (god he’s the best) but I don’t see any protests. Go to class you jobless fucking pussies

    8 years ago at 10:53 am
  4. WahooSD

    Milos the type of guy that walks into a bar, steals that girl you’ve been kinda grinding on all night, then walks her home, tucks her in responsibly, and then calls you just to get a reaction

    8 years ago at 10:57 am