LSU WR Got Fat After Surgery Last Fall, Gained 30 Pounds Eating Popeye’s
The day after Thanksgiving 2015, LSU senior wide receiver Travin Dural had season-ending surgery to repair a torn hamstring. At the time of his surgery, he was a lean 200 pounds and could apparently run a sub 4.4 forty. However, since he couldn’t run and could only work out his upper body, he went into super bulk mode. Really, he just ballooned to 230 pounds, because his diet consisted of a lot of Popeye’s Chicken.
“Yeah, Popeyes was putting a lot of weight on me,” the fifth-year senior wide receiver from Breaux Bridge said this week, skillfully transferring the blame.
His mother, Tamika Dural, noticed an obvious change.
“I went home one day, and my mom was like, ‘Man, you look stuffed,’” Dural said. “So, that’s when I knew it was time for change. I was almost 230 pounds in the spring and I played at 203 last year.”
Maybe he was trying to bulk up knowing that he’d be a better blocker for Fournette? It’s not like LSU’s passing attack is what we call “prolific.” That’s what we call being a team player. Travin was just playing to the team’s strengths and he knew that if he bulked up, he could be a better blocker on the edge.
He definitely loved that chicken at Popeye’s. Personally? I’ve had Popeye’s once. While it is good, I don’t think I could eat it so much that I gain nearly 30 pounds. I think I would get sick. Trust me, I can put away food, just not fried food, because that stuff starts to sit in your stomach and you don’t want to move. So that’s got to be a lot of Popeye’s that he was eating. Zero chance he was running that sub 4.4 when spring practice started up.
His mom wasn’t the only one giving him shit, either. The coaches started tossing fat jokes in his direction. Instead of getting upset over the body shaming, he did what most fat people who get body shamed don’t do: he worked out and ate healthy to slim back down to his playing weight. That’s a novel concept these days..
[via WWLTV]
Image via Instagram/@flight83_
I can’t believe you took time out of your day to write this
9 years ago at 10:16 amWell Dan put on 200+ and doesn’t exercise regardless of the fat jokes.
9 years ago at 10:17 amDidn’t take him for the Popeyes type
9 years ago at 10:21 amGreat “article,” Harrison.
9 years ago at 10:26 amA WR at LSU? Getting fat off Popeye’s? No way are you sure?
9 years ago at 10:29 amShould have chosen Chic Fil A. Apparently you loose weight eating there. (Insert shameless TFM article hyperlink here)
9 years ago at 10:29 amGo Blackhawks!
9 years ago at 10:32 amTFM covers a story regarding chicken that isn’t chic fill a? What the fuck is going on here I demand answers
9 years ago at 10:33 amWe’ve been giving Dan shit for months about his bitch tits and he still hasn’t fixed them
9 years ago at 10:36 amFifth year senior. TFM.
9 years ago at 10:48 am