Malia Obama Chilling Near A Bong At A UPenn Fraternity House Is A Huge Deal Apparently
The internet is blowing up with a photo of Malia Obama sitting behind a bong. Multiple sources reported that the photo was taken at a University of Pennsylvania fraternity house. She is also wearing a “Smoking Kills” t-shirt.
I guess I understand why it’s a big deal to a lot of people. I mean, she’s the daughter of the leader of a nation that has locked people up for the remainder of their natural lives for pushing ganja. The president has even admitted to partaking himself, famously saying, “I inhaled” — a nod to Bill Clinton denying claims he used marijuana by saying “I didn’t inhale.” I know Obama tried to legalize weed (kind of), but our country just isn’t ready for it on a nationwide scale apparently.
That being said, basically every kid smokes weed at least once in college. Some more than others. Judging by her ironic tee and the video of her roasting a bone at Lollapalooza, it looks like Malia is no stranger to the Devil’s Lettuce. Hey, still looks way better than Chelsea Clinton getting caught with cocaine..
Image via YouTube
LEGALIZE IT….Cocaine, I mean.
9 years ago at 12:49 pm*brock turner hops out of NF bucket hat/tank top gdi disguise and grabs Malia then sprints the fuck away into the darkness of night butt naked*
C’mon man, you’re better than this
9 years ago at 7:30 pmGee nice one, Spielberg
9 years ago at 10:31 pmWho gives a fuck? Just let her live a normal college life
9 years ago at 5:49 pmI’d eat malias sweet pussy out every day of the week
9 years ago at 5:50 pmCool down, guy
9 years ago at 6:11 pmSlow your roll, chief.
9 years ago at 6:14 pmI like to eat lots of pussy fuck off
9 years ago at 6:18 pmTake a chill pill, man.
9 years ago at 6:25 pmI’m with you bro. Gimme dat shit it’s all pink on the inside anyways.
9 years ago at 6:59 pmSerious question, would you plow?
9 years ago at 5:56 pmOnly if Barack is in the same room so I can look at him right in the eyes as I violate his daughters asshole
9 years ago at 6:02 pmOnly if I was drunk.
9 years ago at 6:07 pmI probably thought way too hard over this but id have to say plow. It would be more so for the story and I get to stick it to Obama. But 10000/10 would not plow Chelsea Clinton not enough money in the world would get me to say yes to that.
9 years ago at 6:52 pmNow what about Michelle?
9 years ago at 7:02 pmThat sounds like a porno waiting to happen
9 years ago at 7:09 pmBarack is tied to a chair in a corner getting water boarded listening to his wife and daughters getting gang fucked by Trump and his kids. Sons and daughters all up in the Obama’s shit.
9 years ago at 7:16 pmTake it down a notch hoss
9 years ago at 7:22 pmHey, kid, eat a bag of literal human dicks.
9 years ago at 7:29 pmfrat_dog must be new.
9 years ago at 8:24 pmThat sounds like a take on The Aristocrats. Good work.
9 years ago at 8:51 pmPlease stop!
I can only get so erect.
9 years ago at 9:10 pmNever banged a black chick before. Gotta think it could be fun? Would
9 years ago at 10:32 pmThat video would sell for more than the kartrashians…
9 years ago at 10:40 pmDaddy’s gonna water board her with bong water
9 years ago at 6:17 pmno he is not, he is too much of a pussy to torture, u know that willis
9 years ago at 10:42 pmDon’t attack kids. Fuck Obama, but let the girl at least try to have a normal college career.
9 years ago at 6:30 pmshe’s not a kid
9 years ago at 8:39 pmfuck you all. she’s 18
9 years ago at 10:10 pmIt’s called a “water pipe”
9 years ago at 6:45 pmWould
9 years ago at 6:54 pmLike father, like daughter.
9 years ago at 7:42 pmJesus, people quit snitchin
9 years ago at 9:14 pmSnitches get stiches.
9 years ago at 10:41 am