Mark Cuban Demolishes Hillary Clinton’s Student Debt Proposal

Mark Cuban Demolishes Hillary Clinton’s Student Debt Proposal

When Mark Cuban talks business and money, you really need to listen. The savvy billionaire who was once broke at the age of 27 is one of the greatest businessmen our generation has seen. So, needless to say, he knows a thing or two about how money works. Earlier this week, we already saw him spit some truth on the Republican party and saying that he is fiscally conservative (or fiscally responsible, as I like to call it).

Now, he’s taking a shot at the other end of the spectrum with his recent Cyberdust from Friday. He went after Hillary Clinton and her student debt proposal, something that affects probably a lot of you. He makes a lot of excellent points.







Here’s my take on it being the economics guy of the team: Everything Cuban said is true. While he failed to mention that the burden of the increased loans available will fall on the taxpayer, I’ll assume that it was implied. If we are now pumping more and more printed money into people who won’t be able to pay it back, we will see another collapse like we did in 2008. This reminds me of her hubby’s plan with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the whole subprime mortgage situation that helped lead to the 2008 crisis.

Cubes has just been dropping truth bombs lately. Cuban for president 2016.

Image via YouTube

  1. Moneymakesmehappy

    Free is a myth. As soon as people stop looking for free handouts (liberals) this country will truly begin to make strides.

    9 years ago at 5:03 pm
    1. ScoochMcGooch

      People don’t think about consequence, action, inaction, or anything when it doesn’t personally affect them directly.

      9 years ago at 7:04 pm
  2. geed_N_proud

    Top 5 people I want to party with
    1. Mark Cuban, 2. Tony Hawk, 3-5 Tiger Woods, LeBron James, Barack Obama, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman

    9 years ago at 5:13 pm
  3. Bastiat

    Cuban makes a lot of great points, but I have to strongly disagree with him on the “free” community college idea. Most of us here understand that no economic good or service is really “free.” Someone has to pay for it. In this case, it’s the taxpayer, because all government action means taxation. Frankly, it’s a call for more socialized education. Cuban is a great businessman, but he missed that economic fallacy.

    9 years ago at 5:18 pm
    1. ForeverThePledge

      But the thing is he said it more as a, fuck it, I feel this would be a great discussion on the forums

      9 years ago at 8:56 pm
  4. rocky of brohio

    loans are NF. also, i’m a cuban fan but stop sucking his dick TFM just because he cyber dust blasts the articles on this site

    9 years ago at 8:34 pm
  5. HurryinHoosiers

    It’s ironic because he just gave millions to IU to build a new informatics building.. Although IU did freeze tuition so in effect I guess he didn’t cause an increase in tuition but still

    9 years ago at 10:11 pm
  6. LibertarianFrater

    Poeple think Libertarians are crazy but they’ve been preaching this for years. College tuition is exploding because those who are rich will always go to college, and the poor will continue to get grants. The artificial expansion of demand has borne a brunt on the middle class, who don’t get assistance and are getting boxed out of the higher education market.

    9 years ago at 11:27 pm
  7. SavannahGTclown

    I agree w/ everything Cuban says except for making Community College 100% free. If it’s free, it will make that type of college experience the equivalent of making a trip to the DMV every day for 4 years. Or in my case, 5.5 years.

    9 years ago at 3:30 pm
  8. OldBayOnEverything

    Why don’t you join the military instead and be a member of the most badass frat on the motherfucking planet. They pay you, too.

    9 years ago at 10:23 pm
  9. mhc28

    Very surprised you agree with him considering he says we need MORE liberal arts students. I figured being an inbred, hateful, bigoted white idiot, you’d think MBAs and lawyers are all the world needs to go ’round.

    9 years ago at 10:09 am