Driving a Tahoe on land and on water. TFM.

    1. Cogito Ergo Bro

      Riva>Garwood>Hackercraft>Chris Craft>Mastercraft>Malibu>MB Sports>Tige>Centurion>four winns>anything else> Tahoe’s.

      12 years ago at 1:53 pm
    2. Cogito Ergo Bro

      Marty, you sir, can suck my balls. Go on, suck em’ dry. Maybe i missed Cobalt and a few other minor manufacturers but the message is the same, Tahoe’s are shitty boats. Anyone with the checkbook and brains knows that if you want to get fratty on water and you aren’t going fishing, classic power is the only way to go. Sorry my boats are worth more than your house.

      12 years ago at 2:21 pm
    1. Fratsapian

      Nautilus have been an American family owned businesses longer than MasterCraft, but still Tahoes suck dick.

      12 years ago at 9:33 pm