N64_drinking_game You mean to tell me that there are Mavs fans that aren’t mentally unstable? 9 years ago at 1:32 pm
You mean to tell me that there are Mavs fans that aren’t mentally unstable?
9 years ago at 1:32 pmYou’re mentally unstable, HelmetStickers
9 years ago at 1:38 pmFuck you to Dallas
9 years ago at 1:39 pm-Sincerely Houstonians everywhere
9 years ago at 1:40 pmI’m just gonna flag this as offensive because of how stupid you are
9 years ago at 2:15 pmNo bid
9 years ago at 1:51 pmKid is trying way too hard to sound like Stephen A Smith.
9 years ago at 2:11 pmThis kid needs to hit the bong, and chill the fuck out
9 years ago at 2:15 pmJeez. Take a Xanax
9 years ago at 2:19 pmLol Clips will still never win a championship
9 years ago at 2:20 pmAnyone who cares about the NBA is mentally unstable
9 years ago at 2:20 pmLol
9 years ago at 3:47 pmHe would be great for a pre-game intramural speech.
9 years ago at 2:27 pm