Fifteen percent is never sufficient, whether it be tipping a service, tithing to your church, or playing just the tip. TFM.

  1. fratanomics

    As a Christian man, you are taught to tithe 10% of your income and that one should not flaunt your tithing as overt devotion to God. Just because one is awesome doesn’t mean one has to flaunt it. Greatness is recognized, not explained.

    14 years ago at 10:19 am
    1. Frat E. Lee

      True, but don’t hold too tightly to the 10% rule and feel like your duty stops there. Give at least 10%, but also give where you see need in the church.

      14 years ago at 12:58 pm
  2. eighteen 34

    I didn’t know anyone tipped anything less than 20% for services. That’s just rude.

    14 years ago at 12:08 pm
    1. fratanomics

      If the service sucks that bad, then it is not rude. They’re in the service industry for a reason. Twenty percent is a good rate though.

      14 years ago at 12:19 pm