Mia Khalifa Visits Grandex Studio And Gives Exclusive Low Down On The Chad Kelly DMs


Today, we had two very special guests who kicked Dan off of this week’s Back Door Cover podcast. One was ex-porn star and Florida State Seminoles superfan Mia Khalifa. The other was Alex George of the Chive. They joined Dillon and Ross to talk all things football, including how Mia shared the DMs she received from Chad Kelly to her 1.2 million Twitter followers after FSU won.

Take a listen to her side of the story.

We also have some pictures from Mia in studio.






If you want to listen to the whole podcast and see how their picks shake out for this week, here you are…

Also subscribe on iTunes or go to our Soundcloud page for the entire episode. You can also get a sneak peak of the ‘cast right now on Snapchat @totalfratmove.

Also, don’t be scared to join our pick’em pool where I am currently in second.

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  1. IglooButts

    Not enough lyslol in the world could disinfect the snail trail she left on yalls furniture

    8 years ago at 6:21 pm
  2. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    She’s a fan of the digger nick which in turn makes me not a fan

    8 years ago at 7:04 pm