Taking pride in the ability to dunk in water basketball. TFM.

    1. The Scribe

      guess you don’t have a pool in your backyard. It wouldn’t make sense to me either.

      14 years ago at 10:02 pm
  1. The Big LaBROski

    I would take pride in it too bro, if your white you dunk in some form of baseketball you got to take it where you can get it.

    14 years ago at 10:18 pm
  2. Cincinfrati

    I know I will catch shit from a bunch of people for this, but why the fuck does it matter where the person is from? If he were from Alabama, or anywhere is the south for that matter, everyone would be saying “FaF”. The funny thing is half the people that say “Ohio- NF” are probably fucking geeds or high schoolers thinking they are frat. Plus, if you dumb fucks would learn some history, Ohio has more then 5 Alpha chapters. The north can also boast that 5 of the top ten fraternities were formed here. Fuck the haters and geeds!

    14 years ago at 11:45 am
    1. William Howard Frat

      Agreed, but I will say that I am far from impressed with most of the so called TFMs from Ohio.

      14 years ago at 1:20 pm
    2. Cincinfrati

      That rant was a little crazy, but I just hate to see this site be about where your from and where you decide to go to school. In the end we are greek and that is what is important. Also we share the common goal of raising hell and still being the best men on campus.

      14 years ago at 2:15 pm
    3. Frat Limbaugh

      KA, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sig, SAE, Pike, Pi Kappa Phi, Sig ep, ATO all founded in the south.
      The only one that matters (Sigma Chi) was founded in the north.

      14 years ago at 2:22 pm
    4. Cincinfrati

      That my friend is where you get it wrong. Although you did mention the fraternity that I am a member of, I still think that many people need to be more considerate of other fraternities. Yes, we all have our differences and being an asshole is what we like to do, but like I have already stated, we all share the common purpose of raising hell, being assholes, and still being the best men on campus. I don’t still why everyone has to hate on how other people “frat”, just soak this shit up and don’t take anything too seriously on this site. It’s for fun, not to hate on everyone and show everyone that you are better.

      I will say again. Fuck the haters and the geeds!

      14 years ago at 2:44 pm
  3. Southern n Proper

    motion to destory the south and all the “fratstars” that think they are “fratstars”, under the idea that they are unfit and too fucking retarded to consider themselves part of any group,organization, affiliation, or fraternity (in words for the southern wanna-be geeds “frat”.


    14 years ago at 11:55 am
    1. Vermont 1905

      Your name is “Southern n Proper”, and you say fuck the South…? Geed..

      And, only geeds use n in replace of and..

      14 years ago at 12:35 pm
    2. k

      North or South, doesnt matter where youre from…either way its easy to tell that Southern n Proper sucks at life. And he’s an idiot

      14 years ago at 2:21 pm
    3. Cincinfrati

      Agree, no offense to the southerners, but you are normally to one’s talking bad about the north. This guy pretty much sums up why this site isn’t as good as it used to be.

      14 years ago at 3:19 pm
    4. livin fly delta chi

      jesus christ cincinfrati, learn how to fucking use the english language before you post another retarded comment on here

      14 years ago at 3:53 pm
  4. HuntFishFrat

    This isnt a North vs. South rivalry comment or anything but come on people Ohio is NF.

    14 years ago at 7:10 pm