Tell my pops and my 4 houses, 3 country club memberships, and unlimited bank account that working for a Big 4 firm isn’t fratty…have fun in IB working 120 hours a week like the fucking geed slave you are.
Well seeing how only middle schoolers and girls use “lol” and “n00b” and 0’s instead O’s.. I would say that he hasn’t gone through puberty yet so there is no way he would be slamming bitches, much less be in a fraternity or college.
LOL, accounting is not fratty nor is working for a big 4 firm… Call me when you when you get to an IB.. n00b!
14 years ago at 12:07 pmbro not only are you not funny, but you should be spending your time on something else. Don’t you have work to do or bitches to slam?
14 years ago at 3:23 pmTell my pops and my 4 houses, 3 country club memberships, and unlimited bank account that working for a Big 4 firm isn’t fratty…have fun in IB working 120 hours a week like the fucking geed slave you are.
14 years ago at 3:52 pmWell seeing how only middle schoolers and girls use “lol” and “n00b” and 0’s instead O’s.. I would say that he hasn’t gone through puberty yet so there is no way he would be slamming bitches, much less be in a fraternity or college.
14 years ago at 5:17 pmYou, Ray Finkle, are an abomination to everything frat.
14 years ago at 1:34 pmcompletely agree…motion to black ball ray finkle
14 years ago at 4:50 pmsecond.
14 years ago at 11:23 am