Wow is all I can say. Not “Wow you’re the man”, but more of like a “Wow you are overwhelmingly lame.” Here are two pointers so you will never appear to be this retarded again. 1. Buy some fucking Cole Hans or J Murphs and never brag about your scwhag Sperry’s again. Sperry’s are for the poor and pledges. 2. The only reason you should have had a blazer anywhere near those homeless headbobbing ho’s is if you’re a pledge, in that case this website is called TFM (Total Frat Move), not TAM (Total Associate Move). Grow some hair on your balls and come back later rookie.
Isn’t it a bit feminine to be quite so concerned with what another man wears? We are called to be gentleman, not prissy little girls. Besides… Sperry’s are comfortable, and looking good doesn’t always equate to spending the absolute most money possible on every item of clothing that you wear. Especially on clothes that you’re wearing out to the bars.
There is nothing prissy about telling an obvious pledge to wear the right pair of shoes. I mean fuck, yall go ahead and make 40K a year the rest of your lives and enjoy those “comfy” sperrys, just don’t say Poppa Bro didn’t try to give yall A+ quality advice.
Johnston and and Cole Hanns are for the poors. Try some Aldens or Allen Edmonds, regardless of what kimd of footwear your wearkmg, respect on the tandem head.
FYI, there are some Sperrys that cost more than a pair of Cole Haans. Also, they’re probably not going to last more than 2 years, max. It’s not like you’re buying a pair of cordovan dress shoes that will last for years.
Oh, and you misspelled Cole Haan and the plural of Sperry, geed.
I’m smelling some bullshit
14 years ago at 10:39 pmsweet name
14 years ago at 9:59 pmhave fun with those stds!
14 years ago at 11:32 pmWow is all I can say. Not “Wow you’re the man”, but more of like a “Wow you are overwhelmingly lame.” Here are two pointers so you will never appear to be this retarded again. 1. Buy some fucking Cole Hans or J Murphs and never brag about your scwhag Sperry’s again. Sperry’s are for the poor and pledges. 2. The only reason you should have had a blazer anywhere near those homeless headbobbing ho’s is if you’re a pledge, in that case this website is called TFM (Total Frat Move), not TAM (Total Associate Move). Grow some hair on your balls and come back later rookie.
14 years ago at 10:43 amIsn’t it a bit feminine to be quite so concerned with what another man wears? We are called to be gentleman, not prissy little girls. Besides… Sperry’s are comfortable, and looking good doesn’t always equate to spending the absolute most money possible on every item of clothing that you wear. Especially on clothes that you’re wearing out to the bars.
14 years ago at 11:52 amThere is nothing prissy about telling an obvious pledge to wear the right pair of shoes. I mean fuck, yall go ahead and make 40K a year the rest of your lives and enjoy those “comfy” sperrys, just don’t say Poppa Bro didn’t try to give yall A+ quality advice.
14 years ago at 1:20 pmJohnston and and Cole Hanns are for the poors. Try some Aldens or Allen Edmonds, regardless of what kimd of footwear your wearkmg, respect on the tandem head.
14 years ago at 2:31 pmYou’re trying to hard roaming bro.
14 years ago at 3:22 pmFYI, there are some Sperrys that cost more than a pair of Cole Haans. Also, they’re probably not going to last more than 2 years, max. It’s not like you’re buying a pair of cordovan dress shoes that will last for years.
Oh, and you misspelled Cole Haan and the plural of Sperry, geed.
14 years ago at 11:59 pmWell done sir. It’s Cole Haans dumbass. RoamingBro = GDI
14 years ago at 10:37 pm