Miserable Social Justice Group Says Veterans Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Attend College
Apparently there’s a letter going around University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) that advocates for banning veterans from attending four-year universities.
You read that right. What? Why? What reason could somebody possibly have to want to keep veterans from getting a college education?
Because they don’t create a safe space for LGBTQ students.
From KKTV Colorado Springs:
The article says veterans should be banned from UCCS and other four-year colleges. It also generalizes veterans and says they are unsympathetic to the LGBTQ community. The article says all veterans have far right-wing ideologies.
The newsletter is titled “Social Justice Collective Weekly” and says it is the first issue. A spokesperson for UCCS said the newsletter has nothing to do with the school and does not represent the institution’s views. However, it was reportedly approved by the university and posted on a bulletin board. The school says anyone is allowed to post items on the board.
The school chancellor swiftly made a statement condemning the message and reminding the authors that discrimination against veterans is illegal. Of course, because this is a university we’re talking about here, they also made sure to point out the authors have a right to say whatever they want under the First Amendment. I believe the university hasn’t been taking the notice down despite the fact that it is legally discriminatory, but individual students sure have. Good for them.
My thoughts on this: having the gall to say that veterans shouldn’t be welcome on campus because their presence makes LGBTQ students feel uncomfortable is absolutely disgusting.
But before you throw your phone out the window and go rage in the comments, I’m thinking there’s a good chance this particular letter isn’t real. The title sounds made up, and the letter goes on to compare veterans to “white supremacists,” which is really kind of extreme even for whatever hypothetical left-wing hate group was supposed to have posted it. Somebody is trying to get some sort of reaction.
So why I’m still covering this is A) It might be real, and B) There’s a reason this kind of thing is believable.
There actually are many students who view veterans negatively and truly don’t feel safe around them despite the fact that many veterans are some of the friendliest, most giving, and deeply altruistic people on campus, having full understanding of the sacrifice that they made to get there and how much education and freedom are worth.
There is something about the military that has them being unfairly called aggressive, violent, and intimidating in the classroom, though. And students on the far left have become increasingly hostile and exclusionary to everyone who is not them, creating deeply divided and unfriendly campuses.
While not everyone is going to post up an extremely inflammatory notice all over the school, there are many people who feel intimidated by veterans in private.
Real or not, the message of this note is clear: we can’t let safe spaces and sterilization of the college environment tear us apart anymore. And we shouldn’t stand for it..
[via KKTV Colorado Springs]
Image via Shutterstock
Honestly thought this was gonna be a satirical article. Hope this isn’t actually real
7 years ago at 1:01 pmToday’s whore looks like she regularly gets filled in all holes. Dibs on the butthole
7 years ago at 1:11 pmThere’s two Wally articles and this is the one you decide to comment on about the BOTD? You wouldn’t even have the balls to stand in the same room as her
7 years ago at 1:37 pmAnd you don’t have the balls to say that to my face you fucking pussy. Now sit down before you get hurt kid
7 years ago at 1:39 pmCan you guys please ban this high school kid. Everyone is sick of him
7 years ago at 2:08 pmMaybe if I didn’t own so much real estate in your head you wouldn’t be homeless
7 years ago at 2:55 pmYou remind me of a shit I took at a truck stop. It made a stink but that didn’t stop a dog from pissing all over it after it was run over by a semi.
7 years ago at 9:24 pmI can’t even fathom what being this stupid would be like
7 years ago at 1:18 pmAsk Blowjob420 and you’ll find out
7 years ago at 5:20 pmI’d just rather ask you
7 years ago at 5:48 pmI’m more tolerable of the LGBT community that doesn’t act like this. Beta male social justice warriors need to shut the fuck up before an alpha rips their arms out, jams them in their ears, and rides their skinny ass around campus like a fucking bicycle.
7 years ago at 1:38 pmI had a girl in one of my classes stand up and say that pregnant mothers deserved the same treatment and support as veterans. It’s disgraceful when people say these things about those who have given our country the most and gave their lives to protect some gargoyles right to spew diarrhea in her dark room surrounded by cats.
7 years ago at 1:42 pmJumper Cables
7 years ago at 8:06 pmI have taken shits with a higher IQ than the fucks who wrote that article.
7 years ago at 10:52 pmThese people are on another level of stupidity, but reporting on them like this just validates them and gives them a voice. Without the media they’re an extremely small part of the population that everyone laughs at, with the media they feel like their ideas are legitimate. They’re snowflakes that want attention, we should stop giving it to them.
7 years ago at 3:35 amTwo things: One, let this be true and let the address of the douche canoe that wrote it be published. Some of my brethren will just stand outside waiting to educate the fuck outta this ball tickler. It’ll be a hell of a hoot. Two: Vaginator, you’re a twat. I want to fire 155 rounds at your face. Splash.
7 years ago at 12:26 pmDo something then you little bitch
7 years ago at 12:18 amI’m your huckleberry. Click. Lights out.
7 years ago at 9:14 pmThis is absolutely disgusting. First of all, it’s hilarious how the “tolerant” left generalizes a community of millions as all right-wing and anti-gay (as if there aren’t gay veterans). But the fact that they want to deny education for those who fought for their right to be educated is repulsive. Fuck these morons.
7 years ago at 2:49 pm