Obama replacing the putting green on the south lawn of the White House with an 'expanded organic garden.' TgdiM. A Republican reversing this in 2012. TFM.
Romney went to BYU which has no Greek system.
Huckabee is a Sigma Pi so he gets my vote.
Does anyone know if Palin is a sorostitute?
If not, someone needs to give her an alumni initiation.
I can help out with that.
i’d love to be the one who gets to bulldoze Qween Obama’s garden.
14 years ago at 6:58 pmQueen***
14 years ago at 8:14 pmyou missed the joke Mr. Proper.
14 years ago at 8:17 pmShit happens when you golf in cargos.
14 years ago at 7:07 pmI was in 7th grade but yes it does
14 years ago at 10:38 pmDemocrat posted this
14 years ago at 7:16 pmProud to be a Phi D!
14 years ago at 10:38 pmMust be a pledge.
14 years ago at 1:29 amMy dad just cracked up when I told him this. Obama is such a geed
14 years ago at 7:55 pmBy “expanded organic garden” do you mean a watermelon patch?
14 years ago at 9:18 pmyou fucking idiot
14 years ago at 9:22 pmhaha ouch
14 years ago at 9:23 pmThis is great! First comment must be democrat.
14 years ago at 9:32 pmThat’s so racist. I love it
14 years ago at 12:34 amorganic corn for the chickens?
14 years ago at 1:13 ambaited field hahaha
14 years ago at 1:27 amDont worry, Huckabee or Romney will bulldoze the shit out of his garden in 2012. First priority.
14 years ago at 10:28 pmRomney went to BYU which has no Greek system.
14 years ago at 7:15 amHuckabee is a Sigma Pi so he gets my vote.
Does anyone know if Palin is a sorostitute?
If not, someone needs to give her an alumni initiation.
I can help out with that.
Oh and btw, the white house lost it’s value by 80 million since obama moved in…coincidence? I don’t think so.
14 years ago at 6:14 amNo need to be a racist bro. I mean he sucks but c’mon don’t take it that far…
14 years ago at 6:18 amAll political affiliation aside, that was just ignorant. I hope you aren’t from the south
14 years ago at 1:38 amIn the name of all things holy if you are from the South, crawl in a hole and pull the pin on a grenade. Shit.
14 years ago at 11:06 amyou assholes are the stereotypical republicans everyone hates.
14 years ago at 8:29 amstop giving our party such a bad rep!