Getting a 5k Christmas bonus from my dad's company for working 10 hours over the summer. TFM.

  1. The Frat Goding

    anything above the mason dixon line isn’t frat. I bet you were your sperry’s to that gay lake in missouri and sit in your dads gay as boat, and think your are tommy frat or something.

    14 years ago at 8:40 pm
    1. SouthernTideRockchalk

      considering im from palm beach fl quite possibly the most fratty place god ever conceived and my daddy has a very large buddy davis sport fish parked on a exotic Caribbean island and I chose to go to KU because not only is it fratty as hell, trust me ive spent alot of time at SEC schools on my official visits, but i wanted a better education than some certain schools i wont name that require a 2.0 and a pulse to get into.

      14 years ago at 3:46 am
    1. fratalist

      it wouldn’t be a bonus then just simply a gift, which defeats the whole purpose of the comment

      14 years ago at 7:28 am