1. brociety

      You’re a fucking geed.

      This bro is in flag shorts raging because America hazed Bin Laden. There is nothing GDI about this picture… It’s pure patriotism.

      And also, TKE produced Reagan.

      13 years ago at 12:53 pm
    2. Champ Kind

      Sorry but flat bills and undershirts are very gdi. Cool shorts though I guess.

      13 years ago at 1:16 pm
    1. PDT_1848

      Did you just compare some dudes nipples to being those of a geed? Look at many male nipples often?

      13 years ago at 8:21 pm
  1. For The South

    Ugly girls, undershirts, flat bills, and backward non-polo hats. This picture has geed written all over it. If you can’t go greek, go tke i guess. NF

    13 years ago at 9:55 am
    1. sratitude

      Ugly girls? You can see one girls face and it’s distorted because she’s yelling…
      Undershirts? Not sweating all over your shirt when raging in the streets of greektown? Terrible.

      13 years ago at 9:06 am