1. BroManChu

      I may be wrong, but I do believe he speaks of removing his “girlfriends” over done outerwear made purely of hemp and non animal fur that she bought from a “local merchant” and suckling her “enlarged clitoris” while he watches the SOTU for the 6th time this week in an effort to truly gain the knowledge that spews out of the POTUS mouth. At least that is how I seen a liberal porn one time. I could be wrong.

      13 years ago at 4:48 pm
  1. Frattyard Vines

    Democrats don’t fuck. And also, we don’t vote “like” Republicans, we ARE Republicans. Take laps until you die.

    13 years ago at 5:37 pm
    1. BroswickStew

      Actually, democrats fuck too much. That’s the problem. Half of them don’t understand the concept of Plan B (or can afford it).

      13 years ago at 7:45 pm