the nelson We know blow is awesome and we know short shorts are FaF. Combining the two doesnt create a tfm, 13 years ago at 3:31 pm
usmafratbrother i don’t get it.. so are your shorts short, or do you do a shit ton of blow 13 years ago at 3:56 pm
the fratness monster Gving money to GDI cartels that shoot and kill U.S. servicemen (DEA, border patrol, JSOC) fighting the war on drugs just so your face can get numb. TFM. 13 years ago at 5:22 pm
SonyFratstation GDI Cartels? The same ones that live in Mexico? Where there isn’t school? 13 years ago at 12:32 am
NeverAgainstBROtocol No way! Were you doing it while wearing your PGF and sailing to your private island on your yacht? Teach me to be like you. 13 years ago at 2:28 pm
I miss Acapulco….
13 years ago at 3:06 pmOne of the best TFMs I’ve read.
13 years ago at 3:06 pmYou know how I know you’re a rushee?
13 years ago at 3:17 pmWe know blow is awesome and we know short shorts are FaF. Combining the two doesnt create a tfm,
13 years ago at 3:31 pm
13 years ago at 3:36 pmThat’s not very long for me, I don’t wear pants
13 years ago at 3:39 pmSounds like an addiction there buddy.
13 years ago at 3:56 pmsay Car RamRod
13 years ago at 4:15 pmi don’t get it.. so are your shorts short, or do you do a shit ton of blow
13 years ago at 3:56 pmwhy be forced to choose?
13 years ago at 4:10 pmGving money to GDI cartels that shoot and kill U.S. servicemen (DEA, border patrol, JSOC) fighting the war on drugs just so your face can get numb. TFM.
13 years ago at 5:22 pmDamn you fucking suck at having fun.
13 years ago at 10:59 pmGDI Cartels? The same ones that live in Mexico? Where there isn’t school?
13 years ago at 12:32 amthe fratness monster has clearly never done blow.
13 years ago at 1:32 amPublicly admitting you do drugs. NF. Deny till you die. FaF
13 years ago at 12:50 pmNo way! Were you doing it while wearing your PGF and sailing to your private island on your yacht? Teach me to be like you.
13 years ago at 2:28 pm