Ok. Yes, TFM has changed certain things throughouy the USA, but, I will tell you this. Here in The South…its always been this way. The Strong conservative/republican point of view, the way we dress, the early tee times, 5in inseams, drinking good whisky, chugging cheap beer, loving Reagan, loving Bush Sr/Jr, dipping a can of good ole’ tobacco, getting our coolers and jizzcannon done by “well off, gorgeous,daddy issues” Southern-belles, knowing how to rage on a cold, calm night in the dead of winter. Knowing how to master a tailgate EVERY SINGLE Saturday. See, we have had these traditions for years. If you were in the right Fraternity (or even knew the right crowd) you would already have known all of this. I know this may seem “cliché” but being fratty is something you slowly mold into throughout your whole life. Mainly because of the way you were raised. So with all of this being said, I think I can speak of the Beautiful South/SEC that TFM has not at all changed anything in my fraternity, they only have magnified what we do. Frat on good sirs. Long live The South.
Ok. Yes, TFM has changed certain things throughouy the USA, but, I will tell you this. Here in The South…its always been this way. The Strong conservative/republican point of view, the way we dress, the early tee times, 5in inseams, drinking good whisky, chugging cheap beer, loving Reagan, loving Bush Sr/Jr, dipping a can of good ole’ tobacco, getting our coolers and jizzcannon done by “well off, gorgeous,daddy issues” Southern-belles, knowing how to rage on a cold, calm night in the dead of winter. Knowing how to master a tailgate EVERY SINGLE Saturday. See, we have had these traditions for years. If you were in the right Fraternity (or even knew the right crowd) you would already have known all of this. I know this may seem “cliché” but being fratty is something you slowly mold into throughout your whole life. Mainly because of the way you were raised. So with all of this being said, I think I can speak of the Beautiful South/SEC that TFM has not at all changed anything in my fraternity, they only have magnified what we do. Frat on good sirs. Long live The South.
10 years ago at 12:05 amFuck off
10 years ago at 12:17 amDo you really expect people to read this
10 years ago at 1:23 amHow the fuck did Neil Everett inspire that try-hard rant?
10 years ago at 4:20 amWho gives a shit
10 years ago at 7:12 amhttp://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0
10 years ago at 8:30 amMany people think sharks aren’t into sports but actually many play fantasy sports and some are very successful.
10 years ago at 7:10 amtl;dr pussy
10 years ago at 12:50 pmNeil Everett. Beta Theta Pi. Beta Rho. Champion.
10 years ago at 3:30 pmFuck the Ducks
10 years ago at 5:36 pm