New Proposed Noise Restrictions On JMU’s Campus Are Un-American And Must Be Stopped
Harrisonburg is at it again, guys.
The municipality that houses JMU and recently cracked down on fraternities with a bullshit, un-Constitutional order to remove Greek letters from houses has decided to go full Stalin and initiate the most heinous of all the diabolical tools of tyrants: a freaking noise ordinance.
Here’s the text of the hearing notice for the new noise restrictions from the city of Harrisonburg:
The Harrisonburg City Council will hold a public hearing on August 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon as the agenda permits, in the City Council Chambers located at 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia, to solicit public comments concerning the following:
Amending and re-enacting Section 15-3-2(b) of the Noise Ordinance, to add a definition for mass outdoor social gathering; to amend and re-enact Section 15-3-2(c)(7) to apply the Harrisonburg Noise Ordinance at all times to outdoor gathering’s of ten (10) or more people
10. Fucking. People. That’s the size of a barbecue. Harrisonburg is making outdoor barbecues illegal. That’s the most un-American thing I’ve ever heard.
JMU students, you need to stand up to this tyranny. Mob this hearing, bring your flags and tank tops. Bring a grill or two. Be loud enough that they can’t enact their noise complaint ordinance. Let the voice of democracy be projected with sound-amplifying equipment and a squad in excess of 100 attendees.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..
[via City of Harrisonburg]
Image via YouTube
Worst part is: think any townie is calling the cops on their townie neighbor if his family barbecue gets a little loud? Hell no. But if a group of kids that you’re already predisposed to disliking make a LITTLE too much noise, they’re getting shit down. This is aimed solely at college students, fraternities particularly.
8 years ago at 5:59 pmIf said townie is having a 300+ person blowout in which people are throwing shit off of decks and dry humping in the yard then I would gander that the police probably wouldn’t really fuck with that either.
8 years ago at 7:22 pmBoycott the townie globalist cucks on city council
8 years ago at 7:05 pmWhat’s JMU
8 years ago at 7:49 pmJames Madison University. It’s state school in Virginia
8 years ago at 8:37 pmNoise is Noise doesn’t matter how large the group is they will shut you down. STUPID law. Waste of the townies own money to make a new law. But hey they been doing this for 40 years and the school keeps growing and the frats keep raising money for charity for them. I say STOP RAISING MONEY for them Raise money for Woodstock.
8 years ago at 8:48 pmTake this article down before I see it on a projector during the Harrisonburg town hall meeting to pass this ordinance
8 years ago at 9:00 pmI’m not going to sit here while Harrisonburg townies bad mouth The United States of America
8 years ago at 10:20 pmStudents at JMU probably have to be loud to drown out the noise of I-81 running through the middle of their shitty campus.
8 years ago at 8:10 am