Nina Agdal (Hottest Thing Alive Right Now) Does The Spinning Nudie GIF
Remember when I said Nina Agdal was much, much hotter than Kate Upton? A bunch of you smarter people agreed with me, but then there were a few who said I was an idiot. For those in the latter group, I bet you feel really stupid now, don’t you?

That’s a thoroughbred, people.
Ever see the 1985 movie Weird Science? It’s about a couple nerdy high school kids that design their idea of the perfect woman on a computer, then blammo, she appears in real form. She was sexy as hell. Well, that 1985 IBM piece of trash wasn’t capable of creating anything like what we’re seeing from Nina Agdal. She looks like she was designed in a lab, but a current, state-of-the-art one. Nothing is out of place on her.
Upton takes her down in the chest beefers department (and basically every other woman on the planet), but Agdal doesn’t have the requisite hefty frame like Kate does to lug those bad boys around, and that’s a good thing.
As you can see there’s another girl in the .gif with Nina — Sports Illustrated model Ariel Meredith. Now, she has a lot of nice things going on for her, but she’s much too young and much too skinny to be serving up flapjacks already. It’s kind of concerning. I’d still take her for a walk in the park if you know what I’m saying, but I’m just saying.
To compare, here is Kate from last week:

[via Joblo]
I’d still rather pee in Kate Upton
12 years ago at 9:52 amAriel Meredith is at least 26, so she’s definitely older than Upton (just turned 21) or Agdal (21). Research is hard though apparently.
12 years ago at 9:53 am26 is old now? You’re an idiot. I don’t need to look up someone’s age when I can just look at her and know she’s young enough to have perky cans.
12 years ago at 9:56 amI fail to see the importance of this
12 years ago at 9:59 amZero relevance.
12 years ago at 10:00 amNever said she was old. The way you wrote that sentence just mangled the English language. It made it sound like you thought Meredith was younger than the other two.
12 years ago at 10:00 amIf only I could get this kid to take more laps.
12 years ago at 10:01 am^^ No, you just suck at reading.
12 years ago at 10:02 amClearly Dorn. Clearly.
12 years ago at 10:06 am26 is old as fuck, dude.
12 years ago at 10:10 amNo one should be on team floppy tits. NO ONE.
12 years ago at 10:25 amDorn’s a little feisty today.
12 years ago at 12:26 pmThere are three naked women on this page and y’all want to argue about wording?
12 years ago at 12:28 pmAfter seeing that first gif, i’m having some trouble remembering who Kate Upton is now.
12 years ago at 9:54 amThe chick next to Nina ruins it
12 years ago at 9:54 amI would make so much sex in her.
12 years ago at 9:54 amHow am I supposed to adequately compare butts to pee in with that other girl in there?
12 years ago at 9:56 ama quick google search will reveal Nina’s is much more peeable. I mean, that thing is good.
12 years ago at 10:51 amI would hold her hand so hard
12 years ago at 9:57 amShes not that hot…
12 years ago at 10:00 amTough call. Nina Agdal probably has the better future as a super model whereas Upton would make the better slam piece/wife. Either way you can’t go wrong.
12 years ago at 10:06 amShe is dating Adam Levine? What is this world coming to?
12 years ago at 10:11 amShe’s a supermodel dating a rock star. Surely you don’t think that is that big a stretch.
12 years ago at 10:26 amThere are a few things in life that we as men should just take as natural law. We will never beat the super loaded musician.
12 years ago at 10:27 am