I didn't sell my books back. I drunkenly threw them in the fire pit at the Frat Castle. TFM.

  1. Marshall Frathers

    I just got back from New Mexico and I can tell you without a doubt that this is the frattiest thing that has ever happened in the state, if you can consider this fratty. Everyone there is a huge geed.

    14 years ago at 12:27 am
  2. makePIKEyourlife

    yes marshall frathers, it is very geed here in NM but there are some of us more “fortunate” ones who choose the better life of being fratdaddies

    14 years ago at 12:36 am
    1. Haze Balzington

      by fortunate do you mean your house has two stories? its fucking new mexico, dont kid yourself, at least in old mexico drugs are easy to come by and semilegal.

      14 years ago at 7:58 am
    2. makePIKEyourlife

      oh dont get me wrong new mexico fuckin sucks man… liberals all over the place! but we do have a very wealthy upper class which i take apart of.

      14 years ago at 6:07 pm
  3. Sperry Seinfeld

    Selling your books back and spending the cash on a ridiculous bar tab is a better idea.

    14 years ago at 2:06 am
  4. Frat Sinatra

    I’m not so sure that this is ‘frat,’ as much as it is just bad financial savvy. Your Dad (who it probably a billionaire) must be so proud.

    14 years ago at 2:23 am
  5. Nixon

    “Marshall Frathers” is obviously a GDI. So go kill yourself “Marshall” and rid us all of your nonsense. And “Fratter Tatter” you’re from New Mexico witch means you will always be a GDI, so suck that dick, sit on it or do whatever you have to do to deal with the fact that you will NEVER be “fratty”.

    14 years ago at 5:24 am
    1. Sperry Seinfeld

      Agreed. I bring my books to my last final every semester and sell them back at the buy-back tent thats on my 2 minute walk to happy hour. Trading textbooks for bourbon is not a TFM, it is just common sense.

      14 years ago at 8:58 pm