North Carolina Governor Savvily Plants Fake Reporters In Press Conference To Avoid Addressing The State’s Lost Revenue


No matter what your own personal beliefs are on North Carolina’s controversial anti-LGBT House Bill 2 that has lost millions of dollars in potential revenue from things like the NBA All-Star game, ACC championship, and future NCAA championship events shunning the “Old North State,” you can’t help but respect this move by governor Pat McCrory at a recent press conference.

Knowing he would get eviscerated by a firing squad of chastising Charlotte Observer reporters, McCrory and his camp planted three “presubmitted” meatball questions from the paper at a recent local business owner event.

From The Charlotte Observer:

When the moderator asked how to get started, McCrory said, “Anything you like. No filter here.” Sure, who needs a filter when you posed the questions yourself?

When I tried to ask McCrory a question, the filter went up. “We’ve got three Observer questions answered already. I think you guys dominate the news enough.”

Of course, those weren’t Observer questions. They were softballs from his staff about what he wanted to do with his next term; how he wanted to reduce the state’s rape kit backlog; and how the state crime lab performed under McCrory’s opponent, Roy Cooper.

If there’s one thing I can get behind, it’s ignoring the biggest troubles in your life. It’s why I never go to the doctor or try to make any real changes to fix crumbling relationships with significant others. Why would I confront my own faults and weaknesses when I can just neglect the problems altogether? Wait long enough and they’ll eventually go away. That’s a philosophy I’ll go to my grave with — probably sooner and more alone than later.

[via The Charlotte Observer]

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  1. insert Fratty name here

    I work in NC politics and HB2 is a joke. The NCGA finally said they’ll repeal after months of NCGOP leaders defending it out of pity.

    8 years ago at 11:46 am
    1. Mike Donnelly

      The NCGA leadership offered to repeal HB2 if Charlotte dropped their stupid ordinance months ago. But Charlotte’s idiot mayor still refuses even to put it on their agenda so she can appease the three she-males that live in Charlotte and the registered sex-offender that pushed passing that abomination. If you were really a political insider, you’d probably know that.

      8 years ago at 10:12 pm
  2. Corn1845

    The only reason that we’ve lost all that money and business is because Roy Cooper was going around trying to sabotage the state trying to get the businesses to leave for his own political gain. He’s been campaigning for Governor since high school and he only cares about himself. McCrory isn’t perfect but Cooper is a spineless excuse for a politician.

    8 years ago at 12:34 pm
    1. insert Fratty name here

      I wish there was more reporting on this. I overheard this theory at a civitas meeting

      8 years ago at 1:01 pm
  3. TFTHaveAUserName

    This state is 8 ways to fucked. Roy Cooper is as stupid as they come and Pat is torpedoing any chance for economic growth with this ridiculous HB2 horse shit. He says teachers make an average of 50k/year and he’s a lying sack. NC would be better off voting for Mickey Mouse than either of those clowns.

    8 years ago at 12:49 pm
    1. insert Fratty name here

      He’s not lying. It’s “truthful hyperbole”. The teachers with 25+ experience get $50k. It’s like every ad. Just enough truth so you can air the ad.

      8 years ago at 1:00 pm
  4. Mike Donnelly

    To be fair, those dickwad “reporters” from the Charlotte Observer were really just there to do whatever they could to help Cooper. The Observer is so biased it’s embarrassing.

    8 years ago at 10:05 pm