KeyBumps n FratDumps Such a badass! One bourbon drink over nine beers? Sounds more like a TbroM, broski 14 years ago at 2:36 am
okusa yeah keybumps, i’ll try to be gently because you’re clearly mildly retarded, but it’s about having the money to drink what you want rather than what’s cheap. 14 years ago at 2:24 pm
kvetch22 Don’t you know that passing out in a puddle of bourbon-induced vomit is much more sophisticated than doing so with beer? The difference is oh so vast. 14 years ago at 3:16 pm
Brooks Brothers Faf. I do the same thing. Can never get enough bourbon. Especially when money isn’t an object 14 years ago at 10:56 am
14 years ago at 10:54 pmTU?
14 years ago at 11:06 pmSuch a badass! One bourbon drink over nine beers? Sounds more like a TbroM, broski
14 years ago at 2:36 amyou poor fuck
14 years ago at 9:47 amIt’s a thing called class.
14 years ago at 1:03 pmyeah keybumps, i’ll try to be gently because you’re clearly mildly retarded, but it’s about having the money to drink what you want rather than what’s cheap.
14 years ago at 2:24 pmDon’t you know that passing out in a puddle of bourbon-induced vomit is much more sophisticated than doing so with beer? The difference is oh so vast.
14 years ago at 3:16 pmFaf. I do the same thing. Can never get enough bourbon. Especially when money isn’t an object
14 years ago at 10:56 amstay classy
14 years ago at 12:30 pmdrinking (9) $1 beers to your (1) $9 bourbon=FaF
14 years ago at 8:10 pm