NYC To Remove Free Web Kiosks Because People Held Porn Viewing Parties In The Streets
New York City is set to uninstall the free internet kiosks placed throughout the city. Apparently, too many people found their way around the porn blockers.
Hey, even in a place as ass-cold as NYC, you can’t use the sleet-on-the-sidewalk excuse when it’s only mid-September.
From New York Daily News:
It’s an unhappy ending for porn browsers on the city’s free web kiosks.
The city announced Wednesday it’s pulling the plug on the kiosk’s web browsing capabilities after a slew of complaints about people using them to check out smut sites.
The kiosks, which replaced outdated pay phones, will continue to grant users free phone calls, and access to maps and 311 services. And people can still use the hundreds of kiosks — sprinkled throughout Manhattan, the Bronx and Queens — as a hot spot for Wi-Fi for their own devices.
Wait. You’re telling me the city installed a screen with access to any content in the entire world, and people chose to use it to display graphic pornography? No one could have seen this coming. Opening “Two Girls One Cup” on a crowded street and then walking away, leaving countless passersby to be unwillingly subjected to the site of two women snowballing vomit-covered turds, is a prank that I would 100 percent never consider doing. Just unfathomable. Of all the things on the internet… Why not one of those nice “Free Hugs” videos?
But the kiosks weren’t just being used for the #EpicPranks. Some people, who were either behind on their bills or simply fans of public masturbation, gathered ’round the curbside computers for good ol’ fashioned porn viewing parties.
City Councilman Corey Johnson, whose district includes parts of Times Square, said porn watching and encampments around the kiosks were a problem “instantly.”
Diaz said they were also a problem in the Bronx. “People were camping out and stationed in front of these kiosks viewing adult content,” he said. “That was not the intent.”
I imagine entire groups of people posted up in folding chairs like it’s a goddamn tailgate, commenting on the action, placing bets on how long the guy will last, maybe sharing a tray of deviled eggs.
That would sound weird to me, but I know the type. I had a few fraternity brothers… I would walk into their apartment, and the four of them would be chilling on the sofa like they were watching Netflix, except a violent, gagging, ball-slapping, face fuck video was blaring on the TV. Just as casual as can be. That, kids, is what the #FratLife is really about..
[via New York Daily News]
Image via YouTube
Boosh we all know it was you.
8 years ago at 2:25 pmIf only there was someone who could’ve seen this coming.
8 years ago at 2:26 pmMaybe they should hire those pornstars in those shitty videos TFM keeps posting as digital multimedia advisors.
8 years ago at 2:54 pmYou missed a great chance at a pun
8 years ago at 3:40 pmWouldn’t you? How can you blame them
8 years ago at 2:40 pmLeave, street urchin.
8 years ago at 2:48 pmLet the boys play.
8 years ago at 3:32 pmThis story was in the news 3 days ago, good job.
8 years ago at 5:37 pmThis kinda reminds me when NYC installed breathalyzers outside bars. It didn’t take very long for the breathalyzers to become one massive drinking game. NYC removed those pups so quick.
8 years ago at 8:38 pm