Obama Is At It Again, This Time Cuts Line At Best BBQ Joint In Texas

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This madness has to be stopped. It’s one thing to reach over the counter at Chipotle when ordering, but it’s a completely different ballgame to cut in front of a whole line at Franklin Barbecue. Just like Barry enjoys shitting on the Constitution with his over-the-top use of executive power, he apparently enjoys shitting on the well-established practice of no cutting in line at Franklin–it’s un-American to do so. It’s THE Franklin Barbecue. For those who don’t know Franklin, it is God’s gift to the barbecue world. I would dump one of my girlfriends if it meant I could have unlimited brisket from that restaurant. This is serious business.

Drawing from my own experiences, Franklin is the best brisket to ever enter my mouth, and waiting in line for hours on end is a rite of passage. I’ve lost a few good shirts out there sweating under the Texas sun, but it was always worth every fucking second.

Barry O. was in Austin on Thursday and decided to stop by Franklin following his speech. Upon arriving and seeing the line with a wait time that could rival your local DMV, he decided to use his executive power and cut right to the front.

From Austin 360:

Following his speech at the Paramount, President Obama’s motorcade traveled to Franklin Barbecue on East 11th Street. The restaurant is well known for its great brisket and extremely long waits, but the president circumvented that using the powers of his office.

Barry did make an attempt to appease the crowd before a riot broke out (the riot part is all hearsay, of course, because I wasn’t there, but cutting at Franklin is definitely a riot-able offense). He payed for the first group of people who got bumped in line because of him. Of course he offered to pay for them–it’s not coming out of his pockets. Just put it on his tab–you know, the one billed to the taxpayers. That being the case, though, he should have just gone all the way and bought food for everyone there.

When he arrived at the counter, Obama offered to pay for the order for the two people in front of him — Bruce Finstad of Houston and his daughter Faith of Austin. After they ordered three pounds of brisket, two pounds of ribs, and a half-pound each of turkey and sausage, Obama said, “How many folks are you guys feeding? Just kidding.”

If that had been me, I would have ordered the rest of the meat just to ensure he didn’t get a taste of that sweet, succulent brisket. Barry himself ordered $300 worth of barbecue and exited the premises.

[via Austin 360]

Image via Twitter

  1. Steely_Dern

    As a man that is against 98% of everything Obama stands for, he is the president of the United fucking States. I wouldn’t expect him to wait 4 hours for food, although Austin is probably one of the safest places for him to do that (fucking hippies).

    10 years ago at 1:13 pm
    1. Chode_Brogan

      I disagree, it’s disrespectful and it alienates him from the people he was elected to serve.

      10 years ago at 5:02 pm
  2. USArmy

    Folks have been known to stand in line as early as 5 AM to get that BBQ gold. Better believe I’d be pissed if I’d stood there that long just to be pushed aside. Franklin’s has been closed for the last week or so for renovations. This atrocity shall not stand!

    10 years ago at 1:14 pm
  3. RisingFratstarOfTX

    Cardinal rule in Texas and he broke it:
    You DO NOT come between the people and their barbecue. If he didn’t have that secret service, I would deck him.

    10 years ago at 1:22 pm