The Vest breaking the Big 10 bowl losing streak to the SEC. TFM.

    1. Red and Buff

      Why the NCAA makes a shit ton of money off the players but demands they make nothing the NCAA rules are bullshit and everyone fucking knows it. Go back to whatever backwood incest area you come from

      14 years ago at 5:54 am

      umm the difference you dumb ass is. CAM NEWTON was found Innocent, now your players where guilty. WE live in a country with an ideal called innocent until proven guilty.

      14 years ago at 6:00 am
    3. sean frayton

      yea right like Cam Newton didn’t know what his dad was doing. I’m sure he had no idea. If you use the defense “The NCAA ruled him eligible”, well guess what, THEY RULED THE SAME FUCKING WAY for Pryor and company

      14 years ago at 6:22 am
    4. Frattin bitches inheriten money

      $Cam Newton’s father was found to have committed the offenses he was accused of but the NCAA opened a major loophole when they said he was eligible because he allegedly “did not know” about the actions of his father. then he thanked his parents during his Heisman acceptance speech for things that they did behind the scenes.

      14 years ago at 6:46 am
    5. Wine and Silver Blue

      Hottytoddyrebs, sweetheart your grammar makes my head hurt. I can’t even begin to think what kind of backwards schooling you must have had.

      14 years ago at 1:45 pm

      Wine and Silver Blue, its a thread its not like i spend all day editing my post.

      My schooling…… a year at my boarding school probably costed more than your four years of college. So when you dumb geeds from the north bash on us SEC students, know your shit first.

      14 years ago at 6:02 pm
    7. notageed

      bragging about how expensive your schooling was means it wasn’t expensive enough.

      14 years ago at 8:46 pm
    8. Fratagonia

      I’m from the south and hate the stereotype the north gives us as ignorant, but, hottytoddyrebs, you’re not helping our case. “costed?” really? It’s one thing to not worry about editing posts, but when you start making up words as dumb as that, it might be time for you to retake 2nd grade.

      14 years ago at 12:58 am
  1. Ginger GDI

    Go Buckeyes! Yay! 1-9 again the SEC in bowls and we barely beat Arkansas when their receivers couldn’t catch worth shit! I pissed my cargo pants during that game. Guess I’ll have to go to Hollister and buy some more.

    14 years ago at 6:01 am
    1. Can we get back to Fratting?

      Agreed, hoping this site can lower the North vs South bullshit now that bowls are coming to a close (at least the ones that matter) and we can get back to fratting hard on AT LEAST a bi-daily basis

      14 years ago at 6:29 am
  2. SEC

    starting a real with the requirements being: 1. you have to live below the mason dixon line to post TFM’s so we dont have to listen to fucking GDI Ohio State fans when they actually beat an SEC team. TFM

    14 years ago at 6:13 am
  3. Mallett has a geed beard

    The only difference between Newton and the OSU players is Cam is a better liar. Hazing the shit out of Mallett and telling the SEC to fuck itself. TVestM.

    14 years ago at 6:17 am
    1. Frat

      Hazing the shit out of mallet? His receivers dropped 5+ passes. He made one bad pass at the end of the game for you to win by 5 points. Your 5 player who should have been suspended got you the win. The 2nd stringer made the game saving pick. Congrats on having a classless program. I’m gonna go buy tp’s ring on eBay now.

      14 years ago at 5:16 pm