Ohio State Coach Calls The Parents Of Mike Weber To Inform Them That Their Son Is The Starting Running Back

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Making my parents proud is something I’ve never truly experienced firsthand. When I hit a game winner in 6th grade CYO ball, my dad said it was a selfish shot and there was a wide open kid under the basket. When I got into UCF, my mother broke down into tears over her son embarrassing the family name by going to a directional school despite my father never actually attending college at all. Let’s not even get into what I’m doing for a living now. The cloud of shame that hovers over my mom and pops on a daily basis must have an effect on their phones’ signals, because I can never seem to get ahold of them. Mom. Dad. If you’re reading this, I love you. Hello? Are you there? Right. Not a phone. Just a keyboard.

Well, I guess I’ll just have to live vicariously through Ohio State running back Mike Weber and the pure, emotional joy that his parents reacted with when coach informed them that their son was being handed the rock as RB1 in Columbus.

Love coach being a salesman at the end. “You get your tickets and see him on the team walk.” Total pro.

Image via Twitter

  1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    Thanks bitch tits. It’s not like this was on ESPN or anything.

    8 years ago at 1:05 pm
  2. sunshinebass

    kinda stealing the comment section’s thunder by saying that you’ll never make your parents proud. i think we all had some good ones lined up when we saw the headline. well played you useless tub of goo.

    8 years ago at 1:07 pm