The name of my high school didn't end in high school. TFM.

    1. prep schooler

      and you should try to hide that you are new money who went to public school and jealous of old money prep schoolers.

      14 years ago at 12:52 am
    2. fratter

      It looks like I upset you man. Don’t worry I’m sure daddy’s money will take care of it.

      14 years ago at 6:24 am
  1. Southern Rising

    awesome story do you have time to tell us again how your parents splurged and sent you to a private school? dumbass post by an educated dumbass

    14 years ago at 1:23 am
    1. Copensomefrat

      Haha why don’t you look up the prices of a few of the listed schools then? Add Gilmour Academy to that list.

      14 years ago at 4:32 pm
    1. Haze master

      Valley Forge Military Academy class of 2010. Hazed will a plebe and then as a pledge.

      14 years ago at 2:54 am
    2. Haze Master

      VFMA the most prestigious military school in the USA. General Schwarzkopf, JD Salinger, Larry Fitzgerald, Wes Moore, King Simeon II of Bulgaria, Prince Hermann Friedrich of Leiningen, Medal of Honor winners, and 15 NFL players. I think that would top Riverside any day.

      14 years ago at 7:13 am
    3. Nice Try

      congrats! im sure you were a great JROTC wannabe nerd. look at you all bad ass on TFM now! join the actual military and then brag.

      14 years ago at 9:25 am
    4. Southerner

      I didn’t ask about your fuckass school, and “Nice try” this was not about the real military its about high school maybe you should actually learn to read before you comment on this, GOD DAMN im glad im in a FRAT now so i don’t have to worry about Geeds like you two

      14 years ago at 6:50 am
    1. Fratt Damon

      look at this fuckass that comment on the military academy, “my geed school had larry fizgerlad and blah blah blah at my school, my geed school is better than yours which makes me cool in my own mind”

      14 years ago at 6:54 am
    1. Southern Proper Lady

      Well the person who posted this is “Sratty Light” so they’re probably in a sorority.

      14 years ago at 5:27 pm