fratanomics I’m guessing this guy owns a farm. I have a couple of buddies whose parents own lots of farmland and have diesel and gasoline pumps on the property. They get a pretty sweet discount for buying bulk too. 14 years ago at 1:21 pm
Ben Elli its called farm diesel dipshits, most big farms have their own pumps. 14 years ago at 3:26 pm
Skeeter Fucking up your brand new Ford 6.7 Scorpion Diesel by using red dyed offroad diesel out of the pump at the barn. FaF. 14 years ago at 5:07 pm
Nitro Hazington Fratty shack your moron. We have diesel and gas on our ranch and it is finically sound given fuel prices buying in bulk. 14 years ago at 5:13 pm
Living at a gas station NF.
14 years ago at 12:01 pmPrivate gas pump. FaF.
14 years ago at 12:50 pmI’m guessing this guy owns a farm. I have a couple of buddies whose parents own lots of farmland and have diesel and gasoline pumps on the property. They get a pretty sweet discount for buying bulk too.
14 years ago at 1:21 pmBeing Arabian and running the family gas station. NF
14 years ago at 2:23 pmRacism=NF
14 years ago at 3:59 pmbigotry=FaF
14 years ago at 9:50 pm^second
14 years ago at 10:08 pmits called farm diesel dipshits, most big farms have their own pumps.
14 years ago at 3:26 pmFucking up your brand new Ford 6.7 Scorpion Diesel by using red dyed offroad diesel out of the pump at the barn. FaF.
14 years ago at 5:07 pmFratty shack your moron. We have diesel and gas on our ranch and it is finically sound given fuel prices buying in bulk.
14 years ago at 5:13 pm