Didn't know my university had womens sports, until I slammed our goalie. TFM.

  1. The King

    Just looked up the goalies for Oklahoma, Oklahoma State & Tulsa. If it was any of those, I truly feel sorry for you bro.

    14 years ago at 9:34 am
    1. a.m.a.

      um, no, hazemont… it’s way more likely that goalies in the south would be fat, sorry. there are a lot of fatties down here.

      14 years ago at 3:54 pm
  2. anonymous

    goalies ares fat, I have worked half our club tennis team, tennis and golf are the only “women athletes” worth banging.

    14 years ago at 12:02 pm
  3. Fratitize me Capn'

    If your talking about the OSU freshman that’s a zeta I’m gonna call bullshit.

    14 years ago at 10:56 am