T. Boone Pickens owning a college football team. TFM.

  1. Joe Bro_gan

    Oklahoma State’s team is as relevant to college football as a rainbow is to Stevie Wonder.

    14 years ago at 8:31 pm
    1. rooster cogburn

      dude please dont defend OU if you’re referencing a supreme geed on TFM. on behalf of intelligence, i apologize to OSU fans for this mid-tier douche.

      14 years ago at 8:38 am
    2. Frank Eaton

      TCU didn’t do shit this year. Congrats on beating an overrated GDI Big 10 team in your only decent win of the season.

      14 years ago at 12:40 pm
    3. Joe Bro_gan

      Haha, TCU would’ve easily beaten Oregon, and they could’ve taken Auburn too.

      But the non-AQ haters will continue to exist, not because they legitimately believe they are better, but because they just don’t want to accept that TCU could’ve, and probably was the best team in the country.

      14 years ago at 1:28 pm
    4. Frank Eaton

      Any decent team could’ve beaten Oregon, and they could beat Auburn too if they didn’t have the wear and tear of a real conference schedule.

      14 years ago at 1:36 pm
    5. Capitalism

      Nobody gives a shit about Tcu and they never will. They’re the 4th most relevant team in their own state for fucks sake. they played one hard game the entire year and had a month to prepare for it. Has the question never entered your mind as to why the only bcs conference that wanted you just happened to be the shittiest one by far? Have fun fratting your ass off in the big east. Hahahahahahaha

      14 years ago at 1:42 pm
    1. Broby Petrino

      I mean, that is a terrible state… So its not as amazing of an achievement. But T. Boone is FaF.

      14 years ago at 3:26 pm
    2. fratticuspinch

      I agree about Oklahoma sucking balls, but at the end of the day oil and natural gas=FaF

      14 years ago at 5:54 pm
    1. life of TFMs

      Seriously. When will you sooner queers figure out we don’t give half two shits that y’all care about what we do. Do your own thing and realize y’all are all just douche bags which you guys have created quite the reputation for.

      14 years ago at 11:12 am
    2. Frank Eaton

      Don’t worry guys, he’s just jealous that DU isn’t good enough to have a house in Stillwater.

      14 years ago at 12:00 pm
    3. WillisLamponi

      If we had “done our own thing”, we would have accepted the SEC’s offer and jumped conferences. But our state politicians didn’t want to leave OSU behind. God. Damn. It.

      14 years ago at 2:04 am
  2. taylor11

    OSU is ranked 10th and 13th in the preseason polls for next year. Apparently joe brogan is about as observant as Stevie Wonder.

    14 years ago at 2:31 am
    1. Cowgirls in Pearls

      Can we not just be happy that both Oklahoma schools are set to dominate geeds next year?

      14 years ago at 5:58 pm
  3. DeMarcBRO Murray

    I could own OSU too, but I think I’d rather just spend that money on Taco Bell. We have 7 national titles, you have zero. We have 43 conference championships, you have 10. We’ve won more championship bowls (Orange, Sugar, Fiesta, Rose) than total bowl games you’ve played in. You’ve had one good player come out of OSU in Barry Sanders and he wanted to go to OU but Switzer already had too many running backs. Oh and the series record is 82-16-7. Congrats on the Alamo Bowl win though, now you have something in your trophy case besides cobwebs.

    14 years ago at 3:31 pm
    1. Frank Eaton

      Last I checked 50 > 26. It’s funny to me how any gooner fan can change a conversation, like anyone gives a shit about uo.

      14 years ago at 4:39 pm
    2. 1236 Delt

      Frank Eaton, congrats on those national championships in worthless sports like cross country. We hold records over you in basketball and football, you are worthless. Get over it.

      14 years ago at 4:43 pm
    3. Frank Eaton

      By the way, DeMarcBRO Murray is literally the most GDI name I’ve ever heard in my life.

      14 years ago at 4:44 pm
    4. Frank Eaton

      Oh boy, shithead wants to talk about worthless sports now? Congratulations on your eight national championships in men’s gymnastics. How many titles do you have in basketball? None, not even from Sherri Coale’s “storied” women’s program.

      14 years ago at 4:48 pm
    5. DeMarcBRO Murray

      I’m talking about football shithead. It’s the only sport that really matters, brings in the most money, etc. For example, y’all have the most wrestling championships, but can you name 3 wrestlers from OSU without googling it? And it’s OU not UO you fucking idiot. We are in no way connected with that geed school in Oregon.

      14 years ago at 5:37 pm
    6. 1236 Delt

      Besides, if you look at the post, it is only talking about football. You bringing up the additional national championships in other sports is a rather worthless argument in itself. Seven will always be greater than zero.

      14 years ago at 7:17 pm
    7. Frank Eaton

      John Smith, the greatest wrestler and coach that ever walked the earth, Jared Rosholt, Steve Mocco, Johnny Hendrix. I know these names because I’m not a bandwagon fan, as in a support ALL of our athletics, not just one. And you clearly know your own school well. Last I checked the correct way of saying it was university of oklahoma (uo), not oklahoma university (ou). Some true fan you are, dumbass.

      14 years ago at 7:48 pm
    8. DeMarcBRO Murray

      So you’re calling me a bandwagon fan because I don’t know OSU wrestlers? I knew pokes were dumb put damn. My point was that sports outside of football and basketball matter to the nation at all, and the main one being football. And you clearly don’t watch either of them if you think OU is known by UO. We are the University of Oklahoma but it used to be Oklahoma University and since we actually have tradition and a school that’s worth a shit, we didn’t change the brand name. It’s like how the Big XII isn’t changing it’s name even though it only has 2 teams. Stick to pigfarming dude, it’s the only thing y’all are good for anyways.

      14 years ago at 4:59 pm
    9. Frank Eaton

      No, I’m calling you a bandwagon fan for not giving a shit about your other athletics. I don’t care how many Cowboy wrestlers you can name. I’m just trying to weed out all the half ass gooner fans.

      And uo has always been the university of oklahoma, please prove to me otherwise. I hope to God you don’t watch that terrible basketball team you have down there. When Cade Davis is your leading scorer, you know you’ve got some major issues.

      You are literally the worst arguer I have ever faced in my life. Then again, I would have to make up a whole bunch of stupid shit to argue about too if I was in a shitty house at a second-tier Greek community like that crap you have down in Nompton.

      14 years ago at 9:05 pm
    10. DeMarcBRO Murray

      You say I don’t care about OU’s other athletics? My family has attended OU since 1914 and I’m about as die hard of an OU fan as it gets. What I was trying to say is nobody outside of the given school gives a shit about that schools minor sports programs. The only ones that matter are football and basketball. Our basketball team is down right now, but the real sport people care about is football, which is what the post is about. Speaking of bad arguer, you have been dodging the point completely throughout this whole thread, so I want you to answer the question…”Oklahoma State’s football program is worth a shit because…”. I know you probably won’t answer this because there isn’t anything to answer so it’s okay if you don’t.
      Oh and our house won the President’s Trophy this last year for best house on campus so do you still want to call us a shitty house? And are you seriously calling Norman Nompton? You are the biggest fag I’ve ever talked to. You have proved to me that even OSU’s greek life is full of geeds. Fuck you and fuck your shit ass university.

      14 years ago at 12:58 pm
    11. Frank Eaton

      Wow, the President’s Cup at a second-tier greek system. That’s impressive. I’m sure your fraternity is a great chapter…as great as it can be in a place like Nompton.

      We have the best facilities in the nation. We have the best donors and supporters in the nation. We have by far the best quarterback/receiver duo in the nation. We have a hell of alot better shot at winning a national title next year than the gooners do.

      14 years ago at 3:30 pm
      1. You my friend are retarded. You lost half your defense. We are returning 8 on offense and 7 on defense. We are gonna beat the living shit out of you.

        13 years ago at 11:42 am
    12. 1236 Delt

      You guys can’t even drink in house. I mean, shit, I went with some of my friends from OSU to a Beta party after Bedlam and it was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Enjoy your ag school, I’ll stick with my top 10 value public university.


      You couldn’t even make the Top 373 universities in the Princeton Review.

      14 years ago at 4:04 pm
    13. Frank Eaton

      Way to show your true colors, judging chapters by whether they allow alcohol in their house. You are a class act. Betas are only allowed to have house parties, and still don’t know how to throw one. I’m sure you loved a Beta dickfest.

      My “ag” school happens to sit at the top of the list for our Business school, Architecture school and Geology school among others.

      14 years ago at 4:42 pm
    14. 1236 Delt

      Just saying, when it seems as if your rugby team throws the best party on campus, it’s kind of embarrassing.

      14 years ago at 5:33 pm
    15. DeMarcBRO Murray

      You think Stillwater is more frat than Norman? OU gets the city kids with money while OSU gets the city kids who are too dumb to go to OU and country people; neither of those are frat in the least bit. And you can say Blackmon is the best receiver, but Broyles is just as good of a college receiver. He was injured for the second half of the season and still had better numbers. And Weeden is nothing compared to Landry which is pretty bad considering Weeden is almost 30. You do have about equivalent facilities but we at least put our to good use and win unlike the Cowboys. We are preseason number one and y’all have yet to be to a conference championship let alone a BCS game. And ya drinking isn’t everything about a fraternity, but if you can’t rage in house then your parties aren’t going to be as good. Just saying

      14 years ago at 4:01 pm
    16. JCowboy787

      uo land thieves conveniently forget that we hold 49 conference championships and 10 national titles in the most frat sport of all, golf! OSU=FAF…gooners=NF

      14 years ago at 10:39 pm
    17. Frank Eaton

      Better numbers? Receiving yards: Blackmon, 1782 /Broyles, 1622. Receiving tds: Blackmon, 20 /Broyles, 14.

      Blackmon had better numbers than Broyles playing two less games and catching 20 less passes. So tell me again, who has the better numbers?

      Weeden had a better pass completion percentage than Mr. Molestache this season. The only reason Weeden didn’t have as many passing yards as him was because Molestache threw more than 100 passes than him. RECAP: 100 less passes, just four less passing tds, better completion percentage. I’ll take that.

      You obviously haven’t been inside the new west endzone in Stillwater. I have been inside uo’s facilities and they can’t hold a flame to what Oklahoma State offers our athletes. Congratulations on being preseason number one. Lets see how long that lasts.

      14 years ago at 12:51 am
  4. frat masterson

    T. Boone Pickens wants to convert Texas/Oklahoma from oil/gas drilling to wind turbines. Still FaF?

    14 years ago at 3:56 pm