Old Man Catches Punk Who Stole His Golf Clubs, Pulls Gun On Him

      1. idrinkmorethanu

        I’m white fuckface but I would kill u the same was as any other color as well

        8 years ago at 11:18 pm
  1. VandyConservative

    Don’t fuck with old men, they carry guns and tend to know how to use them

    8 years ago at 5:25 pm
    1. idrinkmorethanu

      fuck that. that way of thinking is wrong. mother fucker pulls a strap on me I’m suing until that dusty fuck is begging for quarters in a veteran hat in front of Starbucks

      8 years ago at 1:29 am
      1. idrinkmorethanu

        a club isn’t worth that. as stupid as when black people kill over shoes

        8 years ago at 1:31 am
      2. Big Dumb Idiot

        If I pull my gun on you it’s with the intent of shooting you, so you wouldn’t have to worry about suing.

        8 years ago at 1:35 pm
    2. HollieGordon

      I quiet my office job and now I am getting paid 126 Dollars hourly. How? I work-over internet! My old work was making me miserable,so I was forced to try-something different. 4 years after. ..I can say my life is changed completely for the better! Check it out what i do.. GOOD LUCK……. http://bit.do/FOX92

      8 years ago at 4:26 am
      1. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

        126 an hour isn’t even really THAT great considering most of us are going into finance and consulting.

        Also show us your tits

        8 years ago at 9:19 am
      2. Peter Griffin

        If you’re gonna bitch about the bot spam it would have been easier to point out the spelling of quit as quiet

        8 years ago at 2:37 pm
  2. Bro-hann Sebastian Bach

    Old mans got a nice set all titleist and a Scotty putter. Coulda bought a lotta meth in Tulsa.

    8 years ago at 6:44 pm
  3. how_about_a_beer

    I can’t believe that the video is titled “out of control cop”. Someone actually sides with the thief here.

    8 years ago at 6:56 pm
  4. Brofalo and Company

    Sad thing is, the way our entire country has been liberalized, they’ll probably send the ol man to jail and the thief will slap a lawsuit on him. Thanks Barry.

    8 years ago at 7:27 pm
      1. Sean_Connery

        Barry is Barack before he realized he could use being black to win the presidency

        8 years ago at 12:05 pm
  5. FreinerNeverSleeps

    Knowing and reciting the names of your clubs to the punk who tried to steal them. TFM.

    But really, good job and congrats to this man. Fuck people who steal shit. Especially golf clubs.

    8 years ago at 7:29 pm
  6. Bmichaels

    “I’m gonna sue you” don’t steal a old man from Oklahoma’s golf clubs next time bud

    8 years ago at 7:44 pm
  7. ChristianPKP

    Liberals: More laws and greater gun restrictions will decrease crime!
    Conservatives: Criminals don’t care about your paper laws. That sorta defines a criminal.
    Liberals: No, stop triggering me, black olives matter!
    Conservatives: Steal my olives and I’ll put a controlled pair into your safe space (aka your pooper).

    8 years ago at 8:49 pm