Getting paddled with the same paddle that left a scar on your dad's ass 30 years earlier. TFM.

  1. BROnan the FRATbarian

    Why have you seen your dad’s ass that close? Do I need to call child protective services or atleast a therapist?

    14 years ago at 9:18 pm
    1. ATsnOw

      no see it is FaF if you think about it, i was saying that i would haze him=sodomize him… FaF

      14 years ago at 11:01 pm
    1. The Real 'SC

      we make our paddles. i dunno what pussy fuckin frat you’re in if you buy yours

      14 years ago at 6:41 am
    2. 1868

      During pledging I was told paddles were purely for decorative purposes, honoring your big brother. The idea of the paddle had just carried throughout the years. I did not mind when they told us we were going to be used with them (brotherhood, right) except for the fact I took hours hand-cutting, sanding, and wood-staining my paddle for my big bro (I was his first little)….. out of 4×6 wood. Motherfucker is a baseball and I still have the scar. More like a pledging sucks but it is a TFM to me.

      14 years ago at 9:36 am
  2. Buck Farack

    you and daddy joined the same homo fraternity–how cute. i’d ball you for letting some asshole paddle you…but then again, you don’t come from very good stock. probably a business fraternity.=

    14 years ago at 3:32 am