Cutting guys from the west coast or northeast on the first day of rush. TFM.

    1. 1848

      …which is typical or UF’s horrible fraternity system. I swear, it’s like yall walk into these insults…too easy

      14 years ago at 9:15 am
  1. Dr. Frattastic

    Grew up in California and now in an Alabama fraternity. California may not be as frat as the south but it’s still FaF

    14 years ago at 10:00 am
  2. GWB

    I do have to give some credit to the people from those areas with enough sense to come to the south.

    14 years ago at 10:07 am
  3. General McClellan

    You can’t even spell “Southern” you dumbass redneck piece of shit. We won the war.

    14 years ago at 10:08 pm