The only time I pick up an iron is around the green. TFM.

    1. ......

      or a wedge, open up the face on the lob wedge and hit a nice little flop if your stranded in some greenside rough

      14 years ago at 11:26 pm
    2. Blackball Bill

      “Around the green” means one stroke away from the green. Makes sense to me.

      14 years ago at 2:03 am
    1. Queefs-loudly

      140 yards is “around the green” geed, shit anything yoyou can hit with an iron is “@round the green” let’s call it 200 yards.

      14 years ago at 2:38 am
  1. Lieutenant Fratdaddy

    He’s just saying that he doesn’t iron his own clothes, that’s all.

    14 years ago at 10:35 pm
  2. Costa del Frat

    Its called a wedge moron. However, your probably playing on a goat pasture and can bump and run every shot.

    14 years ago at 12:59 am
  3. Sneneker's Visor

    This is genuinely funny and actually true. And if any of you actually played golf, you would know that sometimes the correct play is a bump and run, which most times requires an iron

    14 years ago at 2:14 am
  4. eta Bro

    He is stating that he has a slampiece to iron his clothes. he should have said “on the golf course” instead of “around the green” not to be a grammar nazi or anything. just clearing up confusion for the communication majors here…

    14 years ago at 2:42 am
    1. NObama 1869

      Thank you for an actual reasonable comment. I hate people that hate on good TFM’s. Frat on to both of you.

      14 years ago at 3:11 am
    2. chicken fried frat

      Actually the only time I ever “pick” up an iron on the golf course is around the green when I chip. Otherwise I just take it out of my bag.

      14 years ago at 4:40 am