* Mitch McConnell or John Boehner is shown not smiling/not clapping/not standing.
* “The state of our union is strong”
* Iran is mentioned
* Government spending is referred to as “investment”
* Wall Street/Main Street is mentioned
* An anecdote is used to defend healthcare policy
* Standing ovation (Republicans need not stand to qualify)
* Michelle Obama wears a dress that shows her arms
* The president introduces a “special guest” in the audience
* “Make no mistake”
* Pakistan is mentioned
* “Let me be clear”
* A crying member of congress is shown
My family pregamed the state of the union when W. was president
14 years ago at 5:26 pmNice move.
14 years ago at 7:47 pmtake a drink every time the camera shows Thune and Gillibrand.
14 years ago at 5:52 pmDrink everytime he says civility or investment. –Got that straight from the Godfather (Rush)
14 years ago at 7:03 pmTake a drink every time Obama lies. You’ll get fucked up.
14 years ago at 7:19 pmYou’ll be chugging through the whole speech
14 years ago at 7:29 pmas soon as i saw this post i was going to post this but yo beat me to it. frat well frat hard. fuck obama.
14 years ago at 10:02 pmDrink if:
* Mitch McConnell or John Boehner is shown not smiling/not clapping/not standing.
14 years ago at 7:22 pm* “The state of our union is strong”
* Iran is mentioned
* Government spending is referred to as “investment”
* Wall Street/Main Street is mentioned
* An anecdote is used to defend healthcare policy
* Standing ovation (Republicans need not stand to qualify)
* Michelle Obama wears a dress that shows her arms
* The president introduces a “special guest” in the audience
* “Make no mistake”
* Pakistan is mentioned
* “Let me be clear”
* A crying member of congress is shown
that’s a pretty solid list
14 years ago at 8:14 pmYou are certainly in for a long night of drinking.
14 years ago at 9:55 pmtake a drink every time it is clear he is using a teleprompter
14 years ago at 10:19 pmNeedless to say….We were quite intoxicated.
14 years ago at 6:53 pm