Playing the lets see if this midget from Little People Big Word will bounce like a basket ball when i throw him off the roof to liven up your community service with the disabled kids. TFM.
Leave it to the south to behave like Fascist white supremacists. America beat the Nazis and we beat the terror group known as the Confederacy.
Losing = NF
Therefore, SouthisNF
Keep flying your Southern Cross losers
You’re attempt at trolling was so unimaginably pitiful that I’m not even mad about all the blasphemy you just spewed… I almost feel bad for you, yet still hope you perish in a fiery car accident with a 18 wheeler carrying steak knives.
^^ You’re a complete moron if you think the north is better. I go to school in the South and I can’t tell you how many girls from the north go to southern schools to get the hell away from people like you. There is no rival for southern chivalry and tradition my friend. WDE
People like me? People who are outraged by blatant and outright racism? You can keep those bigot girls for all I give a fuck. And I guess there is no rival for a tradition of murdering your own friends and brothers.
Treason = NF
Therefore, SouthisNF
Fly your Southern Cross high in respect of your “tradition”
^^agreed. And ^, you do realize that was over 200 years ago and that it means absolutely nothing the north won, especially considering the fact you weren’t even alive to contribute to your “victory”. Y’all may have won one war, but we continue winning every day we are allowed to live down here and enjoy more money, hotter girls, better accents, colder beer, better football, and a tradition that sure as hell kicks the shit out of anything you could ever dream of. Go make friends with Canada you fucking pussy.
12 years ago at 3:48 pmTMacaulayCulkinM
12 years ago at 3:48 pmPlaying the lets see if this midget from Little People Big Word will bounce like a basket ball when i throw him off the roof to liven up your community service with the disabled kids. TFM.
12 years ago at 4:09 pmi played lets see if the weed can clear my system before my interview at arbys but i didnt get the job
12 years ago at 4:11 pmIt wasn’t because of the weed, it’s because you are black.
12 years ago at 4:12 pmwhy u gotta make this about race its 2012 we gotta black president
12 years ago at 4:13 pmNot for long
12 years ago at 4:56 pmThe fact that the president is black does not mean that racism is over. It just means we need a new fucking president.
12 years ago at 4:56 pmObama has already made race relations worse by screaming republicans are racist everytime he doesn’t get his way.
12 years ago at 5:34 pmGreat hair 2012! Obama is the worse thing to happen since Carter
12 years ago at 7:06 pmThe Obama presidency is a testament to why we never elected a bl.ack president until 2008. And hopefully it never happens again.
12 years ago at 7:43 pmLeave it to the south to behave like Fascist white supremacists. America beat the Nazis and we beat the terror group known as the Confederacy.
12 years ago at 9:30 pmLosing = NF
Therefore, SouthisNF
Keep flying your Southern Cross losers
You’re attempt at trolling was so unimaginably pitiful that I’m not even mad about all the blasphemy you just spewed… I almost feel bad for you, yet still hope you perish in a fiery car accident with a 18 wheeler carrying steak knives.
12 years ago at 1:46 am^^ You’re a complete moron if you think the north is better. I go to school in the South and I can’t tell you how many girls from the north go to southern schools to get the hell away from people like you. There is no rival for southern chivalry and tradition my friend. WDE
12 years ago at 10:19 amPeople like me? People who are outraged by blatant and outright racism? You can keep those bigot girls for all I give a fuck. And I guess there is no rival for a tradition of murdering your own friends and brothers.
12 years ago at 11:42 amTreason = NF
Therefore, SouthisNF
Fly your Southern Cross high in respect of your “tradition”
^^agreed. And ^, you do realize that was over 200 years ago and that it means absolutely nothing the north won, especially considering the fact you weren’t even alive to contribute to your “victory”. Y’all may have won one war, but we continue winning every day we are allowed to live down here and enjoy more money, hotter girls, better accents, colder beer, better football, and a tradition that sure as hell kicks the shit out of anything you could ever dream of. Go make friends with Canada you fucking pussy.
12 years ago at 2:18 pmPlaying the let’s see how long the intern can post this shit without getting fired game.
12 years ago at 9:33 pm^ this guy
12 years ago at 11:36 am