My biggest problem today? I can't wear my J Crew headband and my Ray Bans at the same time. TSM.

    1. pilove&pearls

      Oh sweetie, just because you can’t afford it doesn’t make it “the new Abercrombie.” Bless your heart.

      14 years ago at 1:48 pm
    2. TSMs suck

      Jcrew is somewhere in purgatory between abercrombie and actually nice brands like polo, brooks bros, vineyard vines, etc

      14 years ago at 7:06 pm
    3. Southern Proper Lady

      I wouldn’t say that’s true. J.Crew doesn’t spray their clothes with crappy perfumes, but the brand has become a lot more trendy since Jenna Lyons took over as Creative Director. I miss the preppy J.Crew clothes from 5 years ago.

      14 years ago at 4:16 am
  1. Bill Broreilly.

    Who gives a shit… You have things to do like cooking, cleaning, and giving head. We don’t care about your headband, just our bjs.

    14 years ago at 1:49 pm
  2. AligATOr

    If you were a real sorostitue you would know that we don’t care your problems.

    14 years ago at 5:19 pm
  3. Southern's Phinest

    No one wants to hear about this. If you’re going to post a TSM make it funny and stop making the rest of us look bad.

    Oh and 1902? Try again… Better than you since 1852.

    14 years ago at 6:30 pm
    1. pilove&pearls

      Y’all are too presh. First, finest, forever since 1851. Sorry ’bout it.

      14 years ago at 9:10 am
  4. Better than you since 1872

    Anything colonized after the 19th century just isn’t legit. Your sorority sucks.

    14 years ago at 7:27 pm
    1. damn straight

      how about “better than you since 1902 & 1872” = NF but “better than you since 1852” = TSM

      14 years ago at 11:04 pm
    2. Diamonds.Pearls.Class

      Just because certain founders of sororities came along later in life doesn’t mean they aren’t “legit.”

      14 years ago at 5:50 am