OU Forced To Change Name Of Event After Term “Sooners” Is Deemed Offensive

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The University of Oklahoma’s nickname, the “Sooners,” came under fire when a Native American activist raised the argument that the term is offensive.

OU was forced to change the name of an annual event formerly known as “Sooner Mosaic: Social Justice Symposium” after receiving complaints from students and faculty.

The movement to remove “Sooners” from the title was led by Native American OU graduate Rance Wryackwe, who says the name is “a celebration of a loss of culture and loss of land” at the expense of Native Americans.

The term “sooners” refers to white settlers who jumped the gun and illegally inhabited Native American land before President Grover Cleveland gave them the OK with the Indian Appropriations Act of 1889.

From Campus Reform:

“I know it’s a sensitive term for me,” Weryackwe said, “and I think if we talked about it and made it sensitive in other people’s eyes, that would help.”

The event, now known as “Mosaic: Social Justice Symposium,” is held on November 14 and “provides a space for University students, faculty, staff, and alumni and outside community members to learn and discuss contemporary issues of social justice through presentations, research, and discussion forums,” according to The University of Oklahoma website.

In other words, it’s a haven for self-righteous blowhards to revel in their offense to the most minute of details, exchange Tumblr profiles, and pleasure themselves while the president of the student union recites the most up-to-date list of “unbiased language.”

Meanwhile, the University of Oklahoma adopted the nickname “Sooners” in 1908. Wouldn’t that mean these activists are, as they like to put it, celebrating a loss of culture?

[via Campus Reform]

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  1. A Well Known Result

    I thought this article was satire right before your comments Boosh. What the fuck happened to America?

    9 years ago at 8:36 pm
  2. GeorgeBushsSocks

    I kept reading this expecting it to be a satirical piece critiquing the PC problem; somehow, this is a real thing that actually happened. God help us.

    9 years ago at 8:48 pm
  3. TheBirdDog

    It’s history. No one currently at OU has done anything to hurt the Native population. Quit attacking historical events. #historicallivesmatter

    9 years ago at 8:50 pm
  4. Fnck OPEC

    If the term “sooner” is offensive to natives for that reason than so is the title of every states population across the country, Texan, New Yorker, Californian, etc.

    We get it injuns, we stole your land and gave you blue jeans and light beer. Get over it.

    9 years ago at 8:53 pm
  5. KYDrunkTank

    I’m sorry but weren’t a hell of a lot of these Native American tribes savages that warred with one another through out history, sure we took the land, but it’s not like they weren’t warring over it in the first place with other natives. When did the winners become the bad guys? And if he excuse is “do I look like a savage?” My response is the exact same question back at her, what makes your losing culture trump my winning culture. Fuck her and God bless America.

    9 years ago at 8:56 pm
  6. CanadianB4C0N

    If the word “sooners” is offensive to you then would did you go to OU? This seems like the problem of entirely 1 person.

    9 years ago at 9:22 pm
  7. Burt Reynolds1776

    This type of hypersensitive victim playing bullshit would make Saul Alinsky proud

    9 years ago at 9:25 pm
  8. Minervas_Raider

    So basically, a social justice warrior just got pissed off because other social justice warriors offended him. Liberal logic at its finest

    9 years ago at 9:42 pm