OU’s SAE Is Going To Wish This Very Racist Video Didn’t Get Leaked

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A pathetic display of inhumanity was recorded by an occupant aboard what appears to be a chartered bus full of Sigma Alpha Epsilon members from the University of Oklahoma. In the video, an enthusiastic chant is heard that includes the phrase “There will never be a n*gger SAE!” being repeated, followed by “You can hang ’em from a tree, but they’ll never [inaudible] with me!”

The video is below.


Disgusting. Sad. Pathetic. Shameful. All of it.

Many stereotypes exist for legitimate reasons. Racism running rampant among fraternities is one that is unfortunately alive and well because of people like this. Exposing it brings me pleasure.

Several tipsters have alleged that the removal of the SAE chapter from the university is imminent, but we haven’t yet seen an official word on the matter.

UPDATE: The SAE chapter at OU has been placed on a “cease & desist.”

Brad Cohen, SAE’s National President, had this to say following the release of the video:

Image via OU.edu

  1. stonewalllee

    I’m gonna take my usual position of devil’s advocate and ask, who here has NEVER said or done something that would have completely fucked your life up if it came into public eye? I know I have. Not defending these retards, but I’m not gonna get on my moral high horse and let one video sum up the character of every man on that bus.

    9 years ago at 10:26 pm
    1. Johnny Cash

      Except for the guy fist pumping like Tiger Woods after a Birdie at the U.S. Open

      9 years ago at 10:45 pm
    2. Kappa Lig

      I agree with him there is stuff that I have said that if it reached social media I would get fucked. These guys were probably drunk and clearly weren’t thinking.

      9 years ago at 12:14 am
  2. Tarheel Blue

    Well, getting rid of a rigorous pledgeship has worked remarkably well at preparing these men for life in a fraternity. That 96 hours from bid to initiation rule has certainly given the Actives plenty of time to carefully vet their newest applicants – you know, to make sure there aren’t any bad apples who might embarrass or bring down the fraternity. Good job, Brad Cohen.

    9 years ago at 10:34 pm
  3. ChrisHarrison

    The rest of the Greek community at OU needs to stand up and condemn this. Not saying they aren’t or won’t, but I think that is the best way to show the administration that they refuse to take responsibility and the consequences from this stupid chapter.

    9 years ago at 10:38 pm
  4. ChrisHarrison

    The rest of the Greek community at OU needs to stand up and condemn this. Not saying they aren’t or won’t, but I think that is the best way to show the administration that they refuse to take responsibility and the consequences from this stupid chapter.

    9 years ago at 10:38 pm
  5. Southern_DChi

    Is this the same chapter that had someone fall off their balcony a couple days ago? If so, these guys must go pretty hard.

    9 years ago at 10:53 pm
  6. FrattyTrappings

    New TFM blows, old TFM wouldn’t do this. No need to blow it up nationally, it’s obviously being handled. You don’t support actual Greek Life, just your brand image. I don’t blame you for it as a business entity, but don’t pretend to actually support Greek culture. Being hypocritical, NF.

    9 years ago at 11:00 pm
    1. Dillon Cheverere

      We absolutely support Greek life. We do not, however, support racist sentiment among Greek life. It’s pretty simple.

      9 years ago at 11:39 pm
      1. FrattyTrappings

        Alright, fuck you cunts for deleting my reasonable and rational response to your little suck ass attempt to cover your sell-out ass. Fuck you and the limp-wristed progressive circle jerk this website has become, but that’s to be expected when half the readership hasn’t even enrolled in college, let alone escaped the liberal indoctrination tool that is primary and secondary education. You fucks used to laugh at the TNMs, but now you’d just give a lecture on how immoral/misinformed they are. The soul of TFM is gone, and has been replaced by a completely generic and utterly forgettable left-leaning media organization.

        9 years ago at 4:08 am
      2. theo_fratliff

        You’re a fucking idiot. This website is and has always been satire. I don’t think that anyone here would have ever condoned something as disgusting as this. Take the dick out of your ass.

        9 years ago at 7:57 am
      3. Ihavefirmnipples

        These kids are complete scumbags and I am thrilled that you as well as others have exposed them, but don’t pretend that their isn’t a business component to revealing such a hot story. There’s a reason stories like this make national news each and every time. Dissipating racism isn’t the only singular motive.

        9 years ago at 8:23 am
    2. TSMTechGuy

      TNMs are one thing, genuine racist hatred is another. You can’t say TFM is running from its values when it’s really standing up for them.

      9 years ago at 8:05 am
      1. _TFM

        First off, I can’t take you seriously when you’re on the TSMTechGuy account. Secondly, TFM posts rush tits. WE HAVE NO MORALE VALUES. WE ARE FRAT. We are rich and we don’t care what other people think. We don’t have to care when we have money. Just like what former greek life Mark Cuban said, “We’re all racist whether we like it or not.” Even black people are racist and I have come to a conclusion that THIS SITE HAS BECOME POLITICALLY CORRECT AND THIS SITE CAN EAT A DICK. With that being said, bring back the forums so we can properly discuss this matter.

        9 years ago at 2:30 pm
      2. Frat_Pack_It

        First off, we all have stupid ass usernames- that’s part of the fun of TFM- but that doesn’t mean he can’t have a good argument. Secondly, I don’t know if anyone told you but all of that stuff we talk about is SATIRE bud. We aren’t actually all vile, spoiled, racist fucks like you seem to think we are. Chill out.

        9 years ago at 12:00 am
  7. Breaking Frat

    How fucking retarded can you be? This is practically a masturbatory aid for all of those idiots that say that all fraternities are racist. For every dumbass in this video, there are countless guys that don’t act like this, but we’ll never get attention because it doesn’t grab headlines.

    9 years ago at 11:08 pm
  8. FuckTheAdministration

    If this shit happened at my school (in upstate NY), the kids in this video would get the shit beat out of them. Racism has no place on a college campus. Freedom of speech is important, but you are not protected from the consequences of what you say.

    9 years ago at 11:18 pm