what kind of schools do people on this site go to? at any real school there’s no such thing as a professor that uses the same tests over and over, and even if they do you have to write essays so there’s still thinking involved. it’s more of a fluke to get the same test than a different one. only studying previous tests is a good way to flunk like an asshat
^This and finally, also I’m not a stupid fuck. I’m Greek AND smart enough to learn on my own. Why would I want to copy somebody else like a dumbass when I can be responsible and learn like I’m capable of doing. Being frat does not mean being an idiot, unless alcohol is involved.
that’s clever
13 years ago at 7:44 pmTwo TFM’s in a row. TFM.
13 years ago at 8:04 pmPhi Alpha
13 years ago at 8:34 pmwhat kind of schools do people on this site go to? at any real school there’s no such thing as a professor that uses the same tests over and over, and even if they do you have to write essays so there’s still thinking involved. it’s more of a fluke to get the same test than a different one. only studying previous tests is a good way to flunk like an asshat
13 years ago at 12:07 amthank you
13 years ago at 2:11 am^This and finally, also I’m not a stupid fuck. I’m Greek AND smart enough to learn on my own. Why would I want to copy somebody else like a dumbass when I can be responsible and learn like I’m capable of doing. Being frat does not mean being an idiot, unless alcohol is involved.
13 years ago at 3:29 am