I would have never fucking let that little gdi Rudy play. TFM.

  1. Baby I'm A-Hazed

    He probably would have ended up slapping you in the face like the pussy yankee bitch that you are. Why don’t you shave that cunt of your’s, glue the hair to your face, and maybe someone will confuse you for something other than – once again – the pussy yankee bitch that you are.

    14 years ago at 11:15 am
    1. The Frat Hatter

      Typical “classy” southerner. For a bunch of “pussy” yanks, the south sure got its shit rocked in the Civil War. You hear that southerners?? You guys lost a fucking WAR to the north. Nothing can ever compensate for that.

      14 years ago at 11:37 am
    2. John Quincy Fratams

      I don’t even get why some (not all) southerners feel the need to bash the north. I understand that you guys think you “frat harder” than the north, and obviously there are some cultural differences, but it’s just ridiculous to come on this site and see a bunch of people bashing each other just because of where they live. We all live in the same amazing country, grow the fuck up.

      14 years ago at 11:45 am
    3. 1858

      Only after Lincoln bitched out and turned the war into being over slavery instead of over states’ rights. Being a whiny bitch and begging Europe to help you out isn’t frat.

      14 years ago at 11:46 am
    4. DixielandDelight

      Frat Hatter I bet your family wasn’t even in America during Mr. Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression so go back to whatever shitty poor country they came from you new money (probably still poor actually) prick. And look at the figures, the South didn’t get its shit rocked, and no one really won. And nothing can ever compensate for your small bulge and shitty game, go suck face with your best friend

      14 years ago at 11:50 am
    5. Son of the South

      To the Frat Hatter,
      I don’t support “I’m A-Hazed” in what he has said, but you clearly don’t know how close the war actually was nor do you realize that it was literally brothers fighting each other over the belief of state vs. nation.

      14 years ago at 11:58 am
    6. frataholic

      Ok so we lost the war proving the north has better industry. Thats it. The south had better marksman, soilders, leaders, and pride. Same as today. The majority of our armed forces today are men and woman from the South. Talk all the shit you want about how the North won a single war. The south has one every war for America since then.

      14 years ago at 12:08 pm
    7. MeanBROGreene

      The Souths “supierior” leadership crumbled at the hands of men like William Tecumseh Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant.

      14 years ago at 12:08 pm
    8. brometheus

      The north just got a bunch of gdi foreigners to fight their war for them. If the Irish potato famine doesn’t happen, the north loses. If fought today, operation human shield would go into effect, with all our mexicans.

      14 years ago at 12:23 pm
    9. Frattica

      The south did get its shit rocked. It was called the battle of Gettysburg and Sherman’s March and the surrender of Vicksburg. The south unconditionally surrendered at Appomattox court house. Who cares which nationality of people helped them, all is fair in war by history’s standards. hell, America wouldn’t have won the war for independence if the french didn’t help out. and to mr “1858” the war was fought over slavery, read the secession papers. Also why did “Bleeding Kansas” happen? slavery. These “states rights” you talk of are really the “states rights to allow SLAVERY”

      14 years ago at 12:36 pm
    10. The Frat Hatter

      Again, the North won. Sherman laid waste to the south. I don’t think old Robby Lee did the same up North. You can complain about lack of industry all you want, thats a huge component of warfare and your dumbass leadership should’ve taken it into consideration. And don’t bullshit and say only the south is fighting today’s wars. I have plenty of Northern friends who are overseas right now fighting for YOUR freedom.

      14 years ago at 12:49 pm
    11. The Frat Hatter

      Sherman hazed the shit out of the south. You can bitch and moan all you want on this site, but the south will never achieve payback on the same scale.

      14 years ago at 12:58 pm
    12. Baby I'm A-Hazed

      Lets put it this way, only way any Yankee cunt earns my respect isn’t by its wallet. It’s by putting out getting fucking hazed. If someone makes it through 2 years of 1970s Notre Dame football practices at 5’6″, 150 pounds – he puts out. Which is why he’d slap this pussy little cunt in the face.

      Anyone who thinks the South has more money than the North is sorely mistaken. But anyone who thinks rich boys from up North have the balls to burned, beaten, and generally destroyed to show honor is the same.

      Go to any school in the South – you’re pocketbook might be nice but if you can’t take a beating – nobody gives fuck about you.

      Rudy is the only Yankee worth shit.

      14 years ago at 1:01 pm
    13. History 101

      Hatter, first of all get your terms straight. A civil war is one in which two or more factions are fighting for control over a country. We were fighting to get the fuck away from you, not to rule the Union. This is why General Lee did not go around burning innocent civilians’ homesteads in Maryland, beacuse we were not attacking you. Lincoln invaded a sovereign nation, which also makes your comment about how ‘we should have thought about industry before going to war’ completely erroneous.

      14 years ago at 2:01 pm
    14. THAT fucking guy

      Let’s heep having the same argument over and over again! God damn, people. This is fucking America.

      14 years ago at 2:08 pm
    15. become the gentleman you should be

      You are all idiots. Wars are not an example of hazing. Stop trying to relate every goddamn thing in history to fraternal life. We all live in America. Focus on that instead of trying to spout off defenses on a topic that you clearly do not fully understand. Get over yourselves.

      14 years ago at 4:12 pm
    16. fratliest of the fratstars

      I like the South because South is a direction on most maps and compasses

      14 years ago at 5:31 pm
    1. 1890

      damn right. i love that movie. all you trust fund babies out there do realize that someone had to come up from nothing to make the fortune you brag about, right?

      14 years ago at 12:04 pm
    2. Native Texan

      When ND played A&M in 2001, I had the privilege to attend a luncheon with John David Crow and Rudy Ruettiger.

      Guess who’s hand I shook first?

      I’ll give you a hint: he doesn’t have a Heisman.

      14 years ago at 1:28 pm
    1. President Jefferson Davis

      KAvu, not knowing your facts makes you NF. Rudy was actually initiated this year at the Kappa Sigma Grand Conclave. Therefore, he is not a GDI. He woke up and saw life is brighter and more meaningful through brotherhood. Even tough it was after college, he is still a brother and a FaF one at that. TFM.

      14 years ago at 2:37 pm
    2. jimbeam296

      Fuck you mint Juleps, sorry you can’t be a part of a brotherhood that’s lasted over 600 years. Rudy saw what we have and wanted to be a part of it.

      14 years ago at 9:19 pm