1. funnymotherfucker

    The blacked out name actually makes it more believable than when they write the usually shit.

    13 years ago at 7:47 am
    1. FratmasterFlex14

      realized it after the fact, ill make it 4 for being the worst pledge ever

      13 years ago at 9:48 pm
    2. funnymotherfucker

      Actually why don’t you run five for using both an exclamation point and a question mark^^^^^^^ when only the exclamation point was needed. If you want to write a yell-question, an exclamation point will suffice. Then run a sixth lap for writing “4” instead of “four”. If the number is ten or less then you always always always write it as a word. Then run a seventh lap for being a devil worshipping geed not capitalizing God^^^. Then go chug bleach to hydrate and go to hell, I’m going to Texas.

      13 years ago at 10:10 pm
    3. FratmasterFlex14

      And on another note, i guarantee I’m a better christian than you, you piece of shit. Criticize my grammar, but if you ever criticized my religion in person i would knock you the fuck out. Ceya later, i’ll be sure to tell the gamma delts’ how great of a guy you are and how you should deserve a bid next semester.

      13 years ago at 10:40 pm
    4. funnymotherfucker

      I highly doubt you’re in college, but yeah have fun serving my kids at a fast-food joint when you’re 40 years old you uneducated asshole. You should probably take life a little more seriously if you plan on getting anywhere, Pussy.

      13 years ago at 11:36 pm