Perfect Woman Olivia Wilde Wants Independence Day Celebrations To Last A Week, Becomes Perfect-er (with Gratuitous Pics)

I have no problem telling the world that I’m madly in love with Olivia Wilde. I have been ever since she lezzed out with Mischa Barton on The O.C. I pretty much lost my mind in the movie theater when she was walking around in that tight computer person outfit in Tron:Legacy. Best sex robot ever. Was she a robot? I don’t know, and I don’t care. All I know is that a Disney movie hasn’t gotten me that horny in years. Then there was The Change Up, in which she played an Atlanta Braves fan AND got topless (though it’s rumored those sweet bewbs were CGI’d). Suffice it to say I didn’t leave my house for days, and my roommates didn’t enter my house for days.

Long story short, I would murder all your families for one night with Olivia Wilde. I felt that way before she went and said something like this…

That’s the kind of patriotism that really gets me hot and bothered. Would there be anything more perfect than spending a week getting drunk with Olivia Wilde and celebrating America? Spending each evening drinking Budweiser Ameri-cans and blowing shit up before retiring to the bedroom and making glorious, patriotic love? No. That is heaven, and I hope to be greeted by that exact scenario when I die. There are suicide bombers who don’t get promised afterlives that awesome.

How much do I love Olivia Wilde? So much that I can even forgive her for this travesty:

Howard v Kansas

Few people could make a kU hat look good to me. She is one.

[h/t Twitchy]


    1. Ragingandhazing

      If you have enough blood still flowing to your brain to think about her political beliefs after those pictures, it’s probably good for you that people like her are pushing to legalize gay marriage.

      12 years ago at 5:52 pm
    2. rollinghills_bro

      honestly, if you wouldn’t give a shit about her Jayhawks beenie then wtf? does anyone really care what a woman’s has to say anyway?

      12 years ago at 5:54 pm
    3. ice cold frat

      She’s just taking these nude/semi-nude photographs for her own empowerment. It’s an artistic thing.

      12 years ago at 5:54 pm
    4. TrickleDown

      ^She actively works with the ACLU and makes commercials supporting obamacare.

      If that doesn’t kill your boner then you might be a communist.

      12 years ago at 5:56 pm
    5. Your Name Is Toby

      ^^ She also does activism for anti-business union organizations and She’s basically Michael Moore with 300 fewer pounds, and tits.

      12 years ago at 6:02 pm
    6. rollinghills_bro

      seriously, anyone who puts politics in front of getting laid by beautiful woman is a moron. you must be either 12 years old or never got laid dude.

      12 years ago at 6:05 pm