Planking, Coning, and The Leisure Dive

For productive members of society who aren’t aware: this summer has been marred by a ridiculous abundance of hobby poses being captured on camera. First came “planking.”

Hippie Nature Plank

I’ve never seen a craze demean the existence of human life in a more horrifying manner than “planking.” No man should take pride in the fact that he can lay flat on his stomach like a rigor mortis stricken snake. The only time I encourage a similar “activity” is when I force a pledge to “plank” over a puddle so I don’t muddy my boat shoes during a stroll on a rainy day. The fact that thousands of Americans are spending valuable time lifelessly resting atop inanimate objects could explain the unemployment rate. Get a fucking job and stop acting like driftwood. Bums.

Community Bathroom Dorm Plank

Next, “coning” became a phenomenon. Something about spending money just to confuse GDI fast-food employees for personal amusement screams frat. Therefore, I pass no judgment, especially after the following video made me laugh.

Solid awkward comedy, but I shudder thinking about the masses of GDI clown-dicks cruising around town at 11pm on Friday night after eating one-too-many weed brownies, snickering at drive through windows across the country. Plus, it’s doubtful anyone will ever beat “The Warpaint Cone” that the above geed executes flawlessly, so coning is already dead to me, personally.

The Leisure Dive

Then, out of the darkness sprung “The Leisure Dive.” Nothing says, “I’m on cocaine and it’s lunchtime” like The Leisure Dive. This is the epitome of TFTC. The quintessential frat move.

Boat Dive

I must say; the current male-to-female leisure dive photo ratio is a bit slanted. I’d like to see some more spectacular racks flying through the air, so I’m encouraging classy ladies nationwide to pull TSMs mid-air and submit them to so I can appreciate their graciousness.

Ladylike Leisure

Croquet Mallet Mayhem

Morning Robe Glory

Pledge Dive?

Racketeering Dive

White Trash Pool Dive

This activity can be dangerous. Participate at your own risk. Just because you’re TFTC doesn’t mean you have to be TFSTTBYLD (too fucking stupid to think before you leisure dive).

    1. Proper Fratire

      ^ Fratent Pending posted something about it earlier, but yeah, worse than planking. Fuckin’ GDI’s.

      13 years ago at 1:30 pm
  1. FratService

    am i the first to notice the grammar mistake in the title? not a big deal, just wondering why it was not fixed. funny post nonetheless.

    13 years ago at 5:40 pm
  2. booze haze slam

    Bahahahahaha if you haven’t seen this video your missing out. fucking hilarious! and there was a lot of room for commentary. phi alpha

    13 years ago at 8:22 pm