POLL: What Do You Call It When You Open A Can Of Beer By Smashing It On Your Head?
Despite our best efforts to get y’all to “stop” smashing beers against your heads, you are unified in your endeavor, and continue to do so in droves. What you are not unified in, however, is the preferred nomenclature for this act. We’ve heard it called more names than a bouncer who’s taking fake IDs instead of just denying people, so we decided it was our duty to find out who calls it what where.
Please assist us in our noble cause. Select your preferred name for this act below, then click “See The Breakdown,” which will allow you to fill out your gender and age — there’s no signup required, and it only takes approximately 3 seconds (like you, on a good night). Once you do this, we will have the crucial demographic information necessary to find out the names by which different genders, age groups, and areas of the country refer to this act.
Let’s find out.
Did you click “Other?” Let us know what you call it in the comments section..
Natural selection
8 years ago at 9:37 am*Natty Selection
8 years ago at 11:40 amDumb
8 years ago at 9:40 amA grenade?
8 years ago at 9:42 amRumple
8 years ago at 9:53 amI hadn’t heard it called rumplestillskin until this poll, but it’s what I’m calling it from now on
8 years ago at 9:53 amwaste of a perfectly good beer
8 years ago at 9:54 amThere are sober children in Africa who could drink that beer.
8 years ago at 1:44 amA concussion
8 years ago at 10:01 amRumplestillskin
8 years ago at 10:17 amFrommel
8 years ago at 10:19 amIt’s a country breakfast
8 years ago at 10:24 am