Porn Stars Discuss What Their First Day On The Job Was Like

    1. SkyeDuncane

      My friend ‘Janet.D.Palumbo’ makes $95/hour on the internet. She has been laid off for siX mOnths but last month her paycheck was $20850 just working on the internet for a few hours. Read more on this web site…

      8 years ago at 12:01 pm
  1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    You should light a roman candle and shove it up that calloused dick dock you call an asshole.

    8 years ago at 11:08 am
  2. That drunk brother

    Listen, I know Fail Friday is hard to post during the summer but can you give us throwback Fail Friday’s? Just a thought since y’all suck right now

    8 years ago at 12:40 pm
  3. Tsunami The PiKapp

    I’ve given up on Fail Friday more than Zinky has given up on the wall.

    8 years ago at 1:55 pm
  4. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    “Ummm it was for a site called”

    Bet your mother is beaming with pride and your dad has a subscription

    8 years ago at 4:03 pm