Whack Job Preacher “Brother Dean” Arrested After Allegedly Spartan Kicking Girl At The University Of Arizona


Most campuses have at least one crazy preacher shouting fire and brimstone at students as they walk to class. But the religious zealot at the University of Arizona is on another level.

The preacher known as “Brother Dean” was arrested and charged with assault at around 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday for allegedly kicking a female student in the chest.

Dean Frederick Saxton made national headlines in 2013 for his stance on yoga pants — namely that if a woman wears them, she deserves to be raped.

Wait. You’re telling me a guy who blamed women for men’s inability to control their urges couldn’t control himself and attacked a woman? Shocker. Seemed like a real stand up guy, too.

Prime example of why prostitution should be legalized. If this guy got laid just once, he’d probably be somewhat normal.

This man is mentally ill and should never be allowed near any school ever again. Hell, he shouldn’t be allowed further than a few cell blocks for a good while. He’s clearly unstable.

I sincerely hope they bring the full extent of the law down on this tremendous pile of human garbage. I also hope Brother Dean runs into a big, handsy inmate in jail. Trust me, Dean, he won’t care if you’re wearing yoga pants or not.

P.S. — Dean was on VICE once:

h/t Tuscon News Now

  1. The User Formerly Known as Frabst

    I’d rape me if I was wearing yoga pants, but I look damn good in them.

    8 years ago at 7:03 pm
    1. theebigd

      Excuse my ignorance, I’ve been gone for awhile. Why did they delete your original account?

      8 years ago at 7:45 pm
      1. Bluto_Brotarsky

        Jesus Christ people, watch The Silence of the Lambs for once in your lives.

        8 years ago at 8:25 pm
      2. alexfratbek

        People upvote frabst like he’s a god. This comment comes from anyone else (baybro im lookin at u), he’s running laps till he’s as skinny as a eastern African kid.

        8 years ago at 8:27 pm
      1. Jabba the PizzaHutt

        God damnit! Anyways, I was gonna say that why should Frabst pay for hookers when he can come to TFM and get his dick sucked for free?

        8 years ago at 9:36 pm
      2. beanfickersupreme

        Spartans were the kings of Greek life in ancient times, they were always almost naked, and occasionally had sex with each other. TFTC

        8 years ago at 2:06 pm
  2. Big Dumb Idiot

    Don’t Spartan kick a woman in the chest or do other crazy shit, but he does have a valid point about the boat…

    8 years ago at 7:04 pm
  3. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    He won’t be able to wear that shirt again after he gets outta the slammer

    8 years ago at 7:07 pm
  4. Bush Light

    That girl in the second video rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. Like the person who just wants to be involved and for everyone to know she “took action.”

    8 years ago at 7:13 pm
    1. ChristianPKP

      Don’t worry though, it’s unlikely she’d care what us men folk think. Those gas station ear buds and random sweatband are a dead give-aways she prefers hole to pole.

      8 years ago at 7:19 pm
  5. Chief Fratdaddy

    Dude needs to chill out, but the part about liberals and Muslims preaching tolerance but having none is true.

    8 years ago at 7:21 pm
    1. BloodyBunghole

      No one has tolerance these days… politics and religion have nothing to do with it. America is just full of scumbags (with an amazing diversity of hateful viewpoints).

      8 years ago at 4:27 pm
  6. fetty_wap_is_my_dad

    Of course this guy’s the way he is, he wears cargo pants for Christ’s sake.

    8 years ago at 7:26 pm
    1. BloodyBunghole

      I don’t understand why everyone hates cargo shorts so much… they make it so much easier to steal ketchup from Golden Corral!

      8 years ago at 4:28 pm
  7. Only4.99

    The only positive I got out of this is that U of A still allows and supports the first amendment. It seems like a lot of schools these days don’t allow students that right anymore.

    8 years ago at 8:04 pm