Protest Underway At University Of South Carolina For African American, LGBTQ Rights

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The chain reaction of protests that started at the University of Missouri has spread to campuses across the country. Now, a similar protest at the University of South Carolina is underway.

A group called USC 2020 Vision created a petition on that close to 200 supporters have signed. The page lays out 12 demands, which include an “investigation” of some faculty and staff, and several other moves aimed at making the university more inclusionary for both African Americans and the LGBTQ community.

I’m not going to deny that racism or hatred towards the LGBTQ community exists at USC. Just like everywhere in the world, it does. But the group’s means of eradicating that racism and hatred are broad, drastic, and poorly thought-out. The demands serve no purpose other than to fire a few faculty without evidence of wrongdoing and drive the stake between us even further.

Let’s break down the list of demands, piece by piece.

Demands for Our 2020 Vision

1) We demand that our university acknowledge that this institution was built on the backs of enslaved Africans. Further, we expect that this acknowledgement is included in tours, especially areas like the garden directly behind the president’s house where slaves were once housed. This acknowledgement should be reflected in markers on historic buildings. Additionally, we expect that the university will raise the plaque marking the AAAS tree to increase its visibility.

Acknowledgment of slavery during TOURS? You mean, like, the student-led tours for rising freshman and their families? “Here we have the dining hall. The mac and cheese is even better than my mom’s — just don’t tell her that HAHAHAH!… Here we have the garden, where the white devils imprisoned Africans. You must look upon this garden and feel guilty always… Oh! And there’s the stadium in the distance. Who can tell me how many people it seats?” Sounds kind of ridiculous to me.

2) We demand that our university improve and expand minority recruitment efforts in order to increase racial diversity on our campus. We call for the creation of a minority scholars program through the South Carolina Honors College.

Why do minorities need their own honors program? Wouldn’t segregating minority students from non-minority students be the exact opposite of diversity? Unless, of course, you think minorities are being rejected from the honors college because of their skin color. Call me a blind optimist, but I don’t think this is the case. Even if the admissions office were run by a bunch of racists, there are statewide affirmative action laws that require administrators to admit a certain percentage of African Americans, Asians, Latinos, etc. Keep this in mind: if you look at a minority kid and a white kid with the same GPA, the minority kid is much more likely to be admitted because of this system.

3) We demand that our university provide gender neutral housing and restrooms that are accessible and convenient. We call for our university to create a streamlined process for changing gender markers and names within university databases and records. We require that university personnel use personal gender pronouns as indicated by the individual. Additionally, we ask that our university provide informed, comprehensive health and mental health care that meets the specific needs of transgender students and ensure that all health and mental health care providers are competent on transgender issues.

I never understood the demand for gender-neutral bathrooms. The premise of the LGBTQ movement is built around the belief that how you feel in your head transcends your physical traits, no? So why let these physical traits matter so much, especially when it comes to something as mundane as taking a piss?

4) We demand that our university acknowledge gender identity and expression as protected classes under Title IX.

Trust me, if you get harassed for expressing your gender identity, not only will the school have your back, so will every media outlet in the country. Just make sure you reaaally milk the attention when a frat guy calls you a “tranny.” You’ll probably nab a feature on BuzzFeed.

5) We demand that a transparent and independent investigation be launched into the following university administrators: the Executive Assistant to the President for Equal Opportunity Programs; the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support, Student Life and Development; and the Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost and Dean of Students.

Why are the members of faculty being investigated? The protestors don’t even know:

6) We demand that our university increase the funding allocated to the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. Additionally, we require that OMSA be housed in a new cultural center that celebrates all identities. As campus continues to grow, it is imperative that support for all students continues to grow.

I agree with this 100 percent. We should definitely spend a shit ton of money on a museum for transgendered students. We can have little statues of a monkey evolving into a human, then add one on the end where the fully-upright male has a set of tits.

7) We demand that our university increase funding for the Counseling Center, so that there are more available appointments and more appointments provided free of charge to each student.

The fact that each demand calls for a “reallocation of funds” without a single dollar amount — not even a ballpark figure — tells me they didn’t think this one through all the way.

8) We demand that all faculty and staff, especially those who engage students on a regular basis, participate in a mandatory diversity training provided by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. This training should be intersectional and representative of a wide variety of identity groups.

It’s not the staff who are the problem. The system of administrators is not conspiring against you because of your race or sexual identity. Any hate you experience is the fault of individuals.

9) We demand that our university institute a policy of transparency through data collection and dissemination on the topics of admissions and enrollment, campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and hazing by providing existing statistics in a communicable way and conducting new research to better identify its problems on campus.

“Somebody, somewhere PLEASE look through all of the numbers everywhere until you find something that might support one of our egregious claims. We don’t have time — there’s only about a week left before this protest craze dies down and we don’t want to miss the boat.”

10) We demand that our university provide a social justice minor and cognate to expand its current offerings to undergraduate students.

As a grad from the j-school, I can’t make fun of worthless minors.

11) We demand that the Office of Student Disability Services be renamed the Office of Accessibility and Accommodation Services. Additionally, we call for the advancement of student knowledge of this office through new student orientation, residence life, the counseling center, psychiatric services, and student health services.

“Disabled” is a meanie word.

12) We demand that USC Homecoming be restructured to accurately reflect and celebrate the various communities and cultures that exist and continue to grow within our campus, our alumni, and our community. As it stands, Homecoming is just for some, but we all want something to come home to.

There is no entity on USC’s campus that is preventing you from holding a Homecoming event based on your race or sexual identity. If your organization hasn’t had a successful Homecoming event, there is no one to blame but yourselves.

Doesn’t look like too many students support the protest, either. Look at these results.

Again, I’m not refusing to accept that change needs to be made, but these numbers make you wonder if the problem is really that bad. Mizzou at least had a poop swastika and a few n-words to spur the protest along. What’s USC got?

Photos of the protest:

At least they’re not denying others their 1st Amendment rights.

The Provost is hearing them out, too, presumably to avoid getting slammed with a “your silence is violence” accusation.

At the end of the day, as much as I made fun of the list of demands, I do think our country needs to become more aware of the racism and homophobia that persists. And in a raising awareness sort of way, the protests across the nation have been a success. However, I still feel as though it is important to call out the protestors for their sloppy means of bringing about change, especially when they put the livelihoods of longtime faculty on the line without evidence.

Just like all the other protests to break out on college campuses the past week, the movement at USC is well intentioned, but ultimately far too broad, drastic, and poorly thought-out to be taken seriously. Let’s hope the university refuses to cave to the pressure and oust innocent faculty because of these empty and baseless accusations.

Image via YouTube

      1. TSMTechGuy

        They should all be questioning themselves because this is fucking ridiculous

        9 years ago at 5:14 pm
    1. Conspiracy Theory

      The theory goes that AIDS was invented by the CIA (Side theory – the CIA keeps all employee information a secret so that they can hire all straight white males and ignore affirmative action). The HIV/AIDS virus was supposedly designed to wipe out all homosexuals and African Americans. Based on current events, we can assume that either the CIA did a shitty job or the theory is probably untrue.

      9 years ago at 6:41 pm
      1. ImHereForTheGangbang

        HIV wasn’t designed to kill black people, it just happen to initially evolve that way. It was originally a simian immune disease that jumped to humans because African bushmen were eating and/or fucking apes in the jungle and eventually became carriers. Not even kidding, look it up.

        9 years ago at 7:27 pm
    2. Call sign_Goose

      If the neutral bathrooms never really get used…thatd be a pretty peaceful place to take a dump. And If they want something like the mentioning of slaves helping build the campus or whatever…sure, but I would demand a key to that bathroom. Its impossible to find a peaceful place to take a shit on campus anywhere.

      9 years ago at 2:34 am
  1. Dirtylungs42069

    Isis has created this progressive pc movement to turn ever american in to a giant pussy so our country will be easy to take over

    9 years ago at 5:17 pm
    1. Gamefrock69

      142 people dead in worst terrorist attack since 9/11; America’s black people still complaining how bad they have it because they don’t have automatic acceptance into the #1 public honors college in the nation.

      Our country doesn’t have time to deal with losers and leeches at every college right now, pretend to be a competent human being and suck it the fuck up, big brother is busy trying to make sure all of our nuts dont get blown off by isis and all these pigs can think about is what more can they take

      9 years ago at 9:19 am
    1. Rad_pitt

      Idk why you’re getting lapped, it’s true. Maybe being religious isn’t frat anymore.

      9 years ago at 6:58 pm
      1. BlueCollarFrattingMan

        Since when has being religious been frat? I believe in God but I am in no way shape or form religious.

        9 years ago at 10:41 pm
  2. R4PEandPILL4GE

    whats the fucking point of recording gender if students can change it whenever they feel like it?

    9 years ago at 5:20 pm
    1. PKP_1904_SC

      Affirmative action is complete bullshit-When 2 equally qualified people of different races apply for a job, and you’re required to give preference to the minority… I believe the word for this is racism.

      9 years ago at 6:10 pm
      1. sunnyand65

        Yeah that’s not the point man. When blacks were freed from slavery they were at a huuuge disadvantage, leading to measures having to be taken to help them out. You can’t release a bird raised in captivity into the wild and expect it to do well. Same thing for slaves. Affirmative action had its place– whether you think it still does is a different matter

        9 years ago at 6:53 pm
      2. Breauregard44

        It does not have a place. MLK Jr. Clearly stated, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

        9 years ago at 7:09 pm
      3. ImHereForTheGangbang

        My Irish ancestors who came here right around the time the slaves were freed were also at a disadvantage. People wouldn’t employ or house them, they were kept from voting, some were lynched by nativists, etc. Where’s my affirmative action? Oh that’s right, I don’t need it because I’m not a whiny pussy who wants a handout because of shit that happened 150 years ago to people I never even met.

        9 years ago at 7:31 pm
      4. ivyasshole

        You are the fucking the epitome of stupidity. Are you really comparing persecution of the Irish to those of Blacks??? Considering one group came over as slaves and not by choice, and received discrimination and hatred unparalleled by your “Irish ancestors” well into the the 20th century

        9 years ago at 12:55 am
      5. Daniel Poone

        In the 1400’s, Cromwell sent a shitload of Catholic Irish to the West Indies as slaves. As it turns out, pasty gingers accustomed to the cool, overcast climate in the British Isles did pretty fucking poorly working sugarcane plantations in the hot scorching sun. And then someone had the bright idea to try them colored folk in hot-ass West Africa, who happened to tolerate the West Indies much better than those fire-crotched Paddies. And thus the African slave trade was born.

        TL;DR- shut the fuck up

        9 years ago at 12:38 pm
      6. Obamas a Geed

        I may get lapped to hell for saying this, but I actually agree with you. Affirmative Action HAD its place at one point, but now it’s outdated and detrimental to both universities and the students who get into better colleges than they can handle.

        9 years ago at 7:34 pm
      7. Bastiat

        Not true. Before affirmative action and the expansion of the welfare state, black employment and literacy rates were increasing at a tremendous rate. Government measures only piggy-backed off of existing trends and ultimately stagnated, or even reversed, progress that blacks had made themselves. Look up the work of economist Thomas Sowell for the data.

        9 years ago at 8:40 pm
      8. Andrew_Fratson12

        Ya’ll I’m gonna be straight up, affirmative action may screw over 1 out of every 500 white guys when they apply to med school, but if you are a quality candidate who takes care of what they need to do to assure admission into a school, it really isn’t a problem; furthermore, we, the white people of America, are going to need affirmative action in 30-40 years to help us get into schools. I’m probably going to get lapped for saying these things, and I’m lacing up my shoes as I type, but there are a bunch of Asians and Indians, who are U.S. citizens too, who are a hell of a lot smarter than I am, and those numbers are only going to increase. In the future white males will need affirmative action in order to get into schools because schools will have the ability to fill entire classes full of smart asians

        9 years ago at 9:42 am
      9. Hairy Truman

        Institutional racism isn’t gone guys…the issue is that college students learn about these thing, but don’t know how to do anything about them immediately. So they go for the quickest thing: attempting to change their college. The real fight for racial justice is in the ghettos where vicious cycles of poverty and militarized police forces hellbent on imprisoning “drug dealers” prevent minority students from ever even getting a decent education, let alone a chance at college. The intent is nice, but the real fight is in these troubled areas, not in some scenic campus quad in your “safe space”.

        9 years ago at 9:34 pm
    2. RomoInThe4th

      I’m going to get lapped to fucking Mexico but I don’t care…anyway, I read this site every damn day bc in the PC world that we live in it’s kind of refreshing to see that there’s a group of guys who poke fun at how absurd everything has gotten PC wise over the last several years. That said, I realllllly hope that y’all dont actually hold the opinions it appears you do regarding transgender individuals. If you’ve ever actually met one you’d know that they honestly feel like they were born in the wrong body and struggle with their identity from the time that they’re born. That can explain why over 40 percent of them will attempt suicide at some point in their lives. It’s not a “choice” the same way that being gay isn’t a choice. After all, who in their right mind would choose to suffer through discrimination and prejudice their entire lives? So yeah, make all the jokes you want bc, after all, the animinoty of a comment section such as this one allows you to do that without any repercussions. But if you actually hold hateful and prejudice views toward transgender people then I feel sorry for you.

      I know that someone is going to reply with some comment that pokes fun at everything I just said, but fuck it.

      9 years ago at 9:25 pm
      1. RomoInThe4th

        Not necessarily. I’m just trying to make a general point about what I’ve seen on this site for a while now.

        9 years ago at 2:50 am
      2. A2TREES

        Want in one hand shit in the other and see which fills up first. You are what you are it’s not that hard to figure it out

        9 years ago at 7:56 am
    1. Ole R.E Lee

      Don’t forget a full ride scholarship to the Honors College which is actually a very competitive school at South Carolina. I believe many African Americans/minorities/LGBTQ Community members who participate in this stuff have just been brainwashed by history/political science leftist professors who tell them that this is a great idea. This only worked at Mizzou because it happened rapidly and was the first time something like it had ever happened. Every university in the nation knows something like this will happen on their campus now and everybody can see through these empty demands.

      9 years ago at 7:43 pm
  3. Rudegaze

    The whole “We Demand” schtick is so ridiculous to me. It creates this “either you agree with me and prove your moral superiority or you are immediately branded a racist” choice.

    9 years ago at 5:26 pm
    1. Tittydick

      Give me what I want right now or I’ll stop eating and die and it will be all your fault. Not a chance I lobby and work for change to be implemented over time like everyone else, that sounds hard and racist.

      9 years ago at 5:45 pm
    2. CornIsFrat

      When someone offends a black guy, they’re called a racist. When someone offends a white guy, they’re called an asshole.

      9 years ago at 8:29 pm
  4. Bush Light

    I think people would be willing to engage in discussion with these people except for the fact that they can’t bring an intelligent viewpoint and discussion to the table. It’s all name calling and using dumb catch phrases, not informed facts.

    9 years ago at 5:27 pm