Funny cause nationally the sigep dress code states wearing socks with you loafers. You don’t have to but kinda defeats your point, unless you want to call our fraternity NF.
The only big southern schools that are traditional are Miss st, Ole miss, UTK, Auburn, and…South Carolina? based on your name. And being at an SEC is FaF according to this site. Which it is, I’d be Greek at UTK but the hate the vols in sports. (didn’t want to get hazed for being a gator fan) So I stayed in state. Many chapters as you can see at CLA are NF but their still my brothers. Not being a big SEC school, there are guys in almost every fraternity that dress fratty and some who don’t. Either way if I had to choose I’d rather be NF, (Which isn’t true) then be a geed. And I’d rather be a SigEp than in any other fraternity after my experiences with our balance man and hazing I went through as well as the ritual. And to the original post, my sperrys are snug, but can still wear my dress socks at meeting and winter time.
VDBL brother!
14 years ago at 2:56 pmor you’re a balanced man sigep
14 years ago at 3:06 pmhahahaha well said
14 years ago at 3:06 pmRA RA REE, quit being a fucking ass and leave talking shit about fraternities to geeds
14 years ago at 3:00 amBalanced man chapters are clubs. I wouldn’t consider what I’m doing to be talking shit about a fraternity.
14 years ago at 11:10 amHow is that a TFM?
14 years ago at 4:31 pmFunny cause nationally the sigep dress code states wearing socks with you loafers. You don’t have to but kinda defeats your point, unless you want to call our fraternity NF.
14 years ago at 6:48 pmbalanced man chapters of sigep are NF…
14 years ago at 8:07 pmThe only big southern schools that are traditional are Miss st, Ole miss, UTK, Auburn, and…South Carolina? based on your name. And being at an SEC is FaF according to this site. Which it is, I’d be Greek at UTK but the hate the vols in sports. (didn’t want to get hazed for being a gator fan) So I stayed in state. Many chapters as you can see at CLA are NF but their still my brothers. Not being a big SEC school, there are guys in almost every fraternity that dress fratty and some who don’t. Either way if I had to choose I’d rather be NF, (Which isn’t true) then be a geed. And I’d rather be a SigEp than in any other fraternity after my experiences with our balance man and hazing I went through as well as the ritual. And to the original post, my sperrys are snug, but can still wear my dress socks at meeting and winter time.
14 years ago at 9:59 pmYear Around Frat, learn the difference between loafers & boat shoes.
14 years ago at 10:52 pmThe novel you just wrote didn’t change my mind… still NF
14 years ago at 1:45 amhey said sperrys you jackass
14 years ago at 8:53 amSAF (Stupid As Fuck)
14 years ago at 8:17 pmanother fd up post by tfm. thank you for wasting our time tfm.
14 years ago at 8:30 pmVDBL
14 years ago at 1:20 ami submitted it as “Sperrys” but they changed it to “Loafers”
14 years ago at 9:49 pm